#16 - Be Our Guest

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Someone knocks on my door.


I think this is the first time anyone has asked permission to come in here, knowing I'm a prisoner and all.

Standing next to the window, I blink and look around the room. "Come in?"

The door clicks open, and I become even more confused when I don't hear the locks unlocking. I could've sworn I saw the chained locks around the door when I came up here.

To my surprise, the King peeps his head into the room. He looks around before he spots and settles his eyes onto me.

Sighing, he forces himself into the room and closes it behind him. Standing with his hands behind his back he walks a little closer.

I raise a eyebrow at his quiet self. "Uh...can I help you?"

Since my eyes were on his face this whole time I didn't even notice what he has in his hands. A blue material in inbetween his fingers behind his back, and he throws it to me without saying a word.

I catch it, inspecting it as I run my eyes all over it. It doesn't take me long to realise it's another dress, similar to this one. (Pic at the top of the chapter)

"Figured you needed another one." He casually says. "You know, since that one's looking a little dirty."

"I wonder why." I reluctantly let out a chuckle.

"You're never gonna let me forget this, are you?" Sighing, he places his hand on his hip.

I shake my head.

"Look Kyungmi, I don't expect you to forgive me for what I did. Just know that I genuinely am sorry. And you probably won't believe me, but it's the truth." Taking in a deep breath, he speaks in a softer tone.

I'm quite astonished that he's trying to apologise, considering the reputation he has. Meaning that, like he said, he does genuinely feel guilty for what he did.

"When it comes to my brother, I get a little out of hand sometimes. We only have each other and so I protect him with my life. And when I saw what I saw, and then seeing you there..." He trails off, not wanting to finish his sentence of how he felt seeing Beomgyu in a vulnerable position.

Shaking his head, he refuses to speak about yesterday's events.

"Anyway, as a thank you for trying to help my brother," He almost groans at what he's about to say next. "You are no longer a prisoner and you're free to go back to Seoul."

Yeah, about that-

"I appreciate it, but I can't go back." I break it to him with my hands clasped behind my back.

"What? Why?" He blinks.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just I actually can't go back. So I have to stay here."

"No you're not." The King scoffs.

"Yes I am." I say back with an amused smile.

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am!"

"Why?" He repeats his words in a louder tone. "What good will it bring you if you stay here?"

"The men that did this to Beomgyu are from Seoul who work for the Queen. I've never seen them before but they knew me, and said that I've been revoked of my status as the Queen's protector."

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