#10 - New Friend

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It's been about an hour since the King left, and he made sure the door was locked tight incase I tried to escape. The single window in the room isn't even an openable one, so I'm officially stuck in here.

My thoughts go back to what he said, 'Royalty above all'. If that were the case, I wouldn't be in this room. I wouldn't be in Daegu. I'd be in Seoul and on that throne.

Something that I've never had a chance to experience was taken away from me. My birth right was taken away from me. And I've had to live with it.

Besides, no-one would believe me if I did turn around and say, 'I am the real Queen of Seoul!' They'd think I'm crazy and never believe a single word that comes out of my mouth ever again.

The sound of the lock on the door rattling and unlocking catches my attention. After the King said he would bring me something to wear it's like he completely forgot about it. To be honest I was expecting it, since he seems like a busy man.

The door then opens and a little head sticks into the room. I instantly recognise him to be the King's protector, Yoongi. In his hands is a folded up piece or clothing.

"His majesty told me to bring you something to wear." When his eyes lay on me, his shoulders slump and a sigh escapes his mouth.

Walking further into the room, he throws the item towards me. I catch it before it reaches the ground, sending a scowl in his direction.

"Thank you." I mumble, placing the clothing onto the bed.

Nodding, he's about to exit the room.

"Can I ask you something?" My voice makes him stop.

"No." He doesn't even hesitate.

"If you were to go missing, would the King come looking for you? Or would he abandon you and find another protector?" I groan and ask him anyway.

Now that catches Yoongi's attention. He turns around, looking at me questioningly as to why I've asked him that.

"If you're trying to ask if the Queen's completely abandoned you, the answer is yes." He says straight. "Meaning you clearly weren't a very good protector."

"That's the thing! I have been a good protector! You'd be surprised at how good I am at this stupid job." I throw my hands up in frustration.

"Then why hasn't she set a foot outside of Daegu?"

"You tell me." I sigh, sitting down on the bed with my hands in my lap. "Also, you didn't answer my question. Would the King abandon you, or come for you?"

"I don't know, okay? There's your answer. I'm leaving." Groaning a little, he places a hand on his hip.

He refuses to let me speak another word and exits the room, closing and locking the door shut.

Yoongi's POV

Would the King abandon me or come for me? What kind of question is that? And how am I supposed to know the answer? That decision is strictly up to the King, not me.

Maybe he would leave me, because of his arrogance and stubbornness towards others. I can see it, picture it. Knowing him he'd get a replacement. I guess that's how King's work.

"Why didn't you answer her?" Turning around in surprise, I come face-to-face with the King himself.

"Answer what, your majesty?" Hesitating, I step forwards.

"If you think I'd abandon you or not." He simply quotes the woman's words from earlier, meaning he must've been stood outside listening to our conversation.

"I didn't know what your answer would be to that-"

"No." He cuts off my words.

I blink. "What?"

"The answer to if I would abandon you, is no." He repeats himself, his hands held behind his back.

"Not all royals have the same mindset, Yoongi. Just because her Queen abandoned her doesn't mean I'd abandon you. You're not just a protector to me. You're my friend. Probably my only friend." He steps forwards to stand in front of me.

Wow. I was not expecting that.

"That's...that's a relief to hear. I'm glad to be your friend. You're like a brother to me, Taehyung. And so I'd be a little disappointed if you did abandon me."

"I'd be disappointed in myself too." He eases into a smile, patting my arm and then nodding his head towards the stairs. "Let's go."

I bow my head, before following behind him down the stairs and towards the ground.

Kyungmi's POV

Picking up the piece of clothing, I unfold it and hold it up to see and identify what exactly it is. When I realise, I scoff a little and shake my head.

Of course he brings me a dress. And I don't mean Yoongi. I mean the King.

Mind you, it's not a bad looking dress at all. I wonder how the King even got a hold of this in the first place. (Pic at the top of the chapter)

Slipping my current clothes off my body I instantly replace it with the dress. There's no mirror in the room so I have no idea how I look. I can't look that bad. It'll have to do though.

My thoughts are interrupted with the the lock on the door outside beginning to rattle. The door then opens, and I expect it to be either Yoongi or the King.

But it isn't. Instead, a young boy peeps his head through the opening of the door and into the room. His eyes lay on me, and he moves further into the room. In his hands is a tray of some food, and a metal cup of water sat next to it.

When I look at him, I instantly recognise him to be the Prince of Daegu: Taehyung's younger brother.

"I thought you might be hungry." He says in a quiet voice, and lays the tray on the table to the right.

"Thank you your highness, but I don't have an appetite." I slowly bow my head towards him.

Nodding, he walks over to me. "I also thought you might say that. You need to eat or you'll lose your energy."

After everything that's happened, what's the use of having energy? I'm not getting out of this room or Daegu alone anytime soon, so there's no point.

"I overheard my brother saying you're the Queen of Seoul's protector?" He then asks.

"Yes, your highness. I'm Kyungmi."

Softly smiling, he holds out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Beomgyu."

Hesitantly, I take the boy's hand. I don't really know why he's being nice to me, considering how his brother is. I'm also surprised to see he's nothing like his brother. He's a lot calmer and nicer compared to the King.

"I would give you permission to leave the palace, but sadly it's not up to me. So to make the King change his mind try to atleast cope with his ways. I know how he seems but he's not always like that."

Taking in Beomgyu's words, I nod. "I doubt he'd let me loose for even a second, but I guess it's worth the try. Thank you, your highness."

"I'd better get going then. If the King found out I was here he'd kill me." He softly chuckles.

"I'll come back the same time tomorrow. Make sure you eat!"
Turning around on his heels he softly makes his way over to the door.

"I will, your highness." Bowing my head, I warmly grin.

The door then closes and locks, and I grin to myself a little whilst looking at the tray of food.

I know for a fact that the Beomgyu's parents died when he was a young child, meaning that Taehyung really raised him right.

Maybe he does have a heart after all.

Royalty Above All - Kim Taehyung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now