The Nights Air

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Tubbo pov:

i don't really remember much after that. i just remember drinking some more, talking to the band and then passing out.

when i woke up i was still in tommy's house, with an empty bottle of something in my hand. there was no sign of anyone anywhere. i would've become panicked had it not been for a text he had sent me saying he went out to get something.

i sat up with a throbbing pain in my head. so much pain that i verbally groaned. However upon sitting up i felt a hand on my shoulder. i looked towards the culprit and saw a familiar face who i couldn't quite recognise.

"do i know you?" i asked holding my head ever so slightly in an attempt to ease the pain, "wow you must've drank a lot eh?" the man smiled "I'm Shawn, we met last night. i'm one of the band members, i kinda gave you drugs" he laughed whilst placing his hand from my shoulder to the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah" i returned, the memories of last night came flooding back. meeting the band, drinking a LOT and trying drugs fo the first time.

"shouldn't you be with the band or something instead of here?" I Asked, Shawn laughed ever so so slightly before speaking "well i guess i should be but i knew you'd wake up in a bit of a state so i thought i'd stay" he smiled handing me some water And a pill i stared at the pill for A moment "it's Aspirin don't worry" he chuckled.

i took the pill And chugged the water, after a few moments i began to feel much better, like moving my head finally became bearable.

"Thanks" I let out after shaking my head front the pills strange after taste "no problem, you should probably get some fresh air. It does wonders for hangovers" Shawn smiled once again.

"I suppose your right" I slowly stood up and started heading towards the door, although as I approached the door handle my legs began to give way.

As I began to fall to the floor, I felt my body become lighter as I was held up by my waist
"On second thought maybe I'll carry you" Shawn joked

"Thanks Shawn. For everything you've done for me in the past 12 hours" I laughed

"Oh don't thank me. If anything it's my fault your like this"

"If you mean the drinking, I can assure you it's the only reason I came to this party"

"So it wasn't to see me play... I'm offended" Shawn joked

"If you remember like I do, I didn't watch anyway. I was behind the curtain" I smiled

"That is very true"

We had made it outside and Shawn placed me on the grass, so the sun beams could bounce of my skin, Shawn had ran back inside the house to get me another glass of water.

He handed me the water and I drank it, slower this time. And afterwards Tommy showed up again "the fuck are you still doing here?" Tommy asked with genuine curiosity

"I wanted to make sure Tubbo was safe. He drank a lot last night" Shawn answered

"Gay" Tommy returned, as he headed into his house

Shawn and I looked at each other, a hint of red plastered on his face before we both burst out laughing.

"Ignore Tommy. He's strange, most people find him annoying at first" I said

"I'm sure" Shawn laughed

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