Soft Sorrows

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Tubbo POV:

I wanted to run away, but I couldn't. My feet were stuck to the floor.

"Oh was it- was it not the member of the endermen?" Josh asked pacing a hand on his heart

"I- it's jus-"

"No it's fine if it wasn't THE Ranboo, just sorry I assumed"

Shawn rushed over to stand in front of me "you don't have to say anything ok? Don't listen to him"

"No it's fine. It was the same Ranboo, I just don't like talking about it because he meant a lot to me. And then he left" I spoke, my voice getting quieter towards the end, and my eyes beginning to water

Shawn took my hand and pulled me to one side, away from everyone. "Stay here" he said as he then rushed off back towards josh.

When he reached the man Shawn grabbed his collar and pulled him towards himself "the fuck was that for!" He growled

"What... I was just trying to get you two together. You seem compatible" josh laughed

"Well if we wanted that don't you think we'd discuss that privately!" Shawn shouted, growing more angry as time went on

"No you wouldn't. You're a pussy Shawn, gets broken up with once and never tried to get with anyone else. Oh boo hoo"

"It was traumatic!"

"It was fucking stupid!"

Suddenly a loud scream from someone else was heard. Ending the argument "SHUT THE FUCK UP"

The two that were once arguing quickly became quiet. And minx stood, pissed beyond all belief.

"Tubbo you should go. I've gotta deal with this fucking problem"


When I left, I didn't really have any idea where to go, I didn't want to go back home because I often choose to spend as much time as possible away from my father.

So instead I roamed the streets, sitting down at a park and watching the birds fly. It was peaceful. Until i got a phone call

Incoming call- Tommy


"Toby have you seen the news!"

"No what news?"

"How the fuck haven't you heard?! Where are you I've got to show you"

"I'm at grass-block park"

"Ok I'll be there soon"

Then Tommy hung up. I was confused, but Tommy was here quicker than expected

"Dude this is insane!" He screamed

"Tommy what the fuck happened!"

Tommy rushed over to me and sat on the same bench that I was sat on and gave me his phone

As I turned it on I saw a headline involving the endermen

"Tommy I don't care about the band anymore"

"Toby! Read it"

As I continued to read on it began talking about one of the members of the band, overdosing and ended up on a hospital bed, and it wasn't the first time.

"What the fuck Tommy?"

"I known right they've gone off the rails" Tommy laughed

Was this who I think it was. Was this my fault?

I need to know he's ok at the very least

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