Studio Quarrel

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Tubbo POV:

It was about the time the meeting had been set up, Ranboo and I simply sat in the car but didn't go anywhere.

His hands were firmly wrapped around the wheel so tightly I could see his arms shake.

"'s going to be ok. Shawn knows he was in the wrong, and he won't do anything to you I promise" I said slightly touching his arm

"Thanks Tubbo. I- I needed that" he breathed out "ok let's go"

The drive felt more comfortable, the radio playing and Ranboo and I made a couple jokes along the way.

And then we parked up at the dreaded studio, a place where on any other day or occasion I'd be overjoyed to be here with ranboo but today, doing this with Shawn and josh.

As we walked in no one else was there

"They must be running late" I suggested

"It's fine, I just want this to be over" Ranboo spoke, seeming somewhat anxious

"You know... Shawn is a nice guy, putting aside what he did. He's helped me a lot with guitar and he made me feel better when you were gone"

"I'm sur-"

"That's nice of you Tubbo" I heard from behind us, I turned around to see josh standing in the doorway smiling as if nothing was wrong

"Where's Shawn? He's meant to be with you we set up the meeting together" I asked

"Yeah you and Shawn do a lot of things together ain't that right Ranboo" josh winked

"Shut up! Sit down! Let's talk" Ranboo growled

It was a very change of tone. The almost confident atmosphere that I had walking in here, knowing what to say. What to ask quickly diminished.

Now I felt like I was being controlled by the same guy who put us into this situation

"Alright. You're the boss here Ranboo" josh smirked taking a seat

"So where's Shawn?" I asked

"Oh he'll be along soon, he was just... fixing up" josh smiled

"Right..." I spoke slowly

"Why did you lie to me josh" Ranboo asked

"I didn't lie. I seriously thought they were fuc- dating, I mean they were all over each other. Even on the first night, Shawn gave him weed and got him absolutely fucked on alcohol. You can't blame me"

"You did drugs?" Ranboo asked turning his attention to me

"Only that one time... you can't really have a go at me" I said

"I was in a bad place"

"And you think I wasn't, I just didn't go overboard"

"But you would if you could wouldn't you?" Ranboo asked his hands slowly trembling

"That's not the point. I only did it once and-"

"And it was shawns fault how am I on the wrong?" Josh interrupted

"SHUT IT!" Ranboo shouted causing me to jump ever so slightly.

I reached my hand out to grab ranboos leg, squeezing it slightly and looking at him reassuringly

"Hey... it's ok, we'll talk about the... drugs later ok?" I whispered to which Ranboo nodded

As we looked back up we saw josh was looking back and forth between us smiling creepily

"Where is Shawn?" I asked growing more worrisome

"Why would I know?" Josh said

"You're his friend"

"I haven't the foggiest" he smiled

Suddenly Ranboo got up and grabbed josh by his collar "WHERE IS HE"

"That's the attitude he was scared about. Suppose you're the reason he's in hospital right now then" josh laughed

"WHAT?" I screamed

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