Guitar lessons

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Ranboo POV:

We were watching some kind of show Tubbo had gotten into since I'd been gone, it was a nice little cartoon. I didn't particularly understand what was going on but with tubbo in my arms enjoying the tv I didn't mind.

Suddenly I felt a vibration coming off of tubbo and he reacted by feeling his pocket.

He took out his phone and replied to a text he had gotten, he seemed pretty excited but I didn't really pay any attention to it.
After all it wasn't my place

However when tubbo got up and rushed to his guitar case in the wardrobe I then started to ask the questions that were on my mind.

"Where- where are you going?" I asked tapping his shoulder ever so slightly before he went anywhere

"Oh I'm meeting up with Shawn" Tubbo smiled

"Oh... he- he's your blonde friend right. The one who hugged you yesterday right?"

"Bit of a strange detail to remember but yeah that's him. He's cool right?"

"Yeah sure sure. Why" I spoke however it came out as almost a growl

"Oh well he's teaching me guitar" Tubbo smiled

"Why?" I said a bit to aggressive, and it caught Tubbo's attention

"Are you- are you ok Ranboo?"

"Yeah I'm fine I just don't see why you have to get lessons from him?"

"Well because he's a guitarist and taught me whilst you were gone"

"Is that the only thing" I mumbled


"Nothing! Why go with him though?"

"Who else is going to teach me?"

"ME! I CAN TEACH YOU" I shouted, I quickly sapped back realising what I did, Tubbo looked shocked.

I sighed before speaking again "it's just I taught you a bit before and you know i can play. I'm- I'm sorry"

Tubbo looked towards the ground and whispered "I'll see you later" before leaving.

I didn't bother to stop him. I didn't want to cause another argument. I felt horrible for what I did, why am I jealous. Tubbo wouldn't cheat on me with an ex right?

My next thought was I needed to know about Shawn. So I went to my contacts and found josh after he gave me his number yesterday. I asked to meet up and he gladly excepted.


This felt strange, meeting at a little cafe not to far from where Tubbo and Shawn were meant to be 'practising' I don't have to wait long before josh entered.

He ordered his usual and the waitress immediately knew what to get whilst I still waited for my order of just a simple coffee.

Josh sat on the opposite side of the booth that I was sat in.

"Hey man. Still don't know your name but hey mystery is cool. What did you want" josh said

"Well I wanted to know about... about Shawn" I whispered as if he was here with me

Luckily josh didn't seem to mind talking about his own band mate "well he's certainly a flirtatious fucker" he laughed


"Oh all the time. It's why I'm surprised you let Tubbo hang out with him, and on his own for hours it's really...mature. Of you"

"Well they broke up right?"

"Oh yeah. Big heated argument, Shawn almost punished him, threw a guitar at him"


"Oh it's fine, no one got hurt" josh smiled sipping his drink

"How is it fine!"

"Because they're friends now, and when they were together god"

"What? What happened when they were together?"

"I mean don't you already know?" Josh asked

I shook my head and gripped the table a little too tightly

"Well they were inseparable, I'm pretty sure they fucked everywhere, it was revolting if it wasn't for the fact Shawn is my absolute best friend. But yeah they were thick as thieves"

And that was it, I couldn't hear another word. I stormed out the cafe and headed to where Tubbo was.

Hoping nothing was happening.

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