Past Partners

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Tubbo POV:

it took me a while but i soon recognised the face a the name.


THE Sophie

The whore that cheated on ranboo and made him heartbroken, that skanky stupid son of a bitch.

i glanced at ranboo who haden't looked away from the phone, his eyes seemed locked in the screen

"Ranboo?" i said trying to get his attention,but it didn't seem to work

"what's the matter man, she catching your eye aswell?" Josh asked 

"i'm sorry i- i don't feel so good" ranboo said as he held onto his stomach with one hand and his mouth with the other

"Ranboo" i called as he started to walk out 

"i'll be back in a minute" he said

i turned to josh and told him "we'll be back in a minute" to which he nodded

"what's wrong" he asked but i had already left the room, however it looked as if a smile was forming on his face.

i rushed down the corridoor to catch up to ranboo who had turned into the hospitals bathrooms. he was leant over the sink gaging ever so slightly, i walked next to him and rubbed his back as a way to sooth him

"hey... hey it's gonna be ok, is it because of...her?" i asked 

ranboo nodded her head, he finally managed to catch he breath "she'll come here" he panicked "i can't see her... i can't" 

i grabbed his arm and drew circles into it with my finger, "you'll be ok... i'm with you she csn't hurt you ever again... because i'll hurt her" i said but mumbled the last part

Ranboo seemed to hear it because he chuckled ever so slightly "thank you tubbo, that means a lot. and please don't beat her up it'd look bad on your record" he smiled 

"fine i guess i won't... for now" i laughed

ranboo and i went back to the room, however josh was being pushed out and doctors were rushing in.

"Wha- what happened?" ranboo asked darting his eyes from the doctors to josh 

Josh quickly wiped his eyes and looked towards us "i- i don't know he just started spasming out and his heart monitor was going all over the place and i- i don't know!" he shouted slowly growing out of breath

i rushed over to him and pulled him into a hug " it's gonna be ok, shawn's a strong guy he'll get through this" 

" he has to! he can't die" josh screamed into my chest 

"he wil... he will" 

ranboo stepped towards us and joined in, in the hug " once again i'm- i'm so sorry"

Josh simply nodded into my chest. The hug lasted a decently long time but when it broke we all stared at each other, tears in josh's eyes, anxiety radiating off of ranboo and worry from me. 

however all of that ended when we heard the voice of a girl from behind us

"Ranboo? What are you doing here?"

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