Get your man

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Tubbo POV:

What happened?

Why did he leave?

I know that my song wasn't the nicest but it was honest.

"Tubbo... that was beautiful" Wilbur said as he placed a hand onto my shoulder

"Clearly not he fucking left"

"Maybe he's just...overwhelmed"

"Or maybe he just doesn't like me anymore" upon my statement wilbur burst out into laughter, so much so that he almost fell onto the floor.

"Please tell me your kidding! Ranboo loves you so much! It's humiliating. No offence. But he's so immature about it, he's spent the last few months wallowing in self pity by spending nights in a bar so he can forget how much he loves you"

"Well maybe it worked"

"I'm willing to wager that's where he's going now. If you run you can catch him, the exits four doors to the left then on your first right. now go get your man!" Wilbur smirked and just like that I left. Following wilburs directions.

Eventually I ran into the lanky giant just before he had reached the exit.

"Where do you think your going" I asked smiling up at him

"Tubbo- I- what are you doing?" He asked

"I should be asking you that"

"I'm heading to a bar. You're welcome to join me I'll buy you a drink"

"I'm not 18"

"I'll bribe the bartender"

I chuckled but Ranboo didn't show any signs of joking, so I just followed him.

I took a few minutes but eventually we walked into an empty bar that Ranboo had apparently booked out the night before. It was amazing the things he could do with money and yet he spends it all in places like these.

"Two whiskeys" Ranboo said as he slid the bartender much more than needed and winked at him.

The bartender seemed to get the message and didn't question it, refunding moments later with the requested drinks.

"So" I began

"So" Ranboo returned

"Why did you run off? I poured my heart and soul out for you, and you ran off. AGAIN might I add"

"It was jus- it was too much! Seeing you again filled me with so much happiness, but then I just- I know you don't think of me the same as you did all those months ago" he sighed, downing his drink

"Did you not hear the song?"

"Of course I heard it and That's exactly why I know you don't love me anymore! Saying that we can never be. It hurts Tubbo. To love you so much but knowing I can't have you again"

That was it.

He said it.

He still loves me. My heart stopped, and so did my brain, everything stopped. Like I was trapped on this one moment, this one moment with ranboo where nothing could touch us.

So I grabbed him.
I pulled him down to my level, and pressed our lips together.

They moved in synch with each other, and not a moment was wasted.

The only reason it stopped was to breathe but I decided to speak instead of returning to his lips

"Do you really think I'd write a song, coke all the way here and talk to you if I didn't love you still?"

"I don't know. I try not to get my hopes up"

"You meant the world to me. We were gonna have a house by the sea together remember?"

"Of course. But phi-"

"Fuck Phil. After this tour just- just run away with me. We can be together, please... I just want you back" I cried, hot tears falling from my eyes

"That's all I want aswell. But the guys have a plan, and I want you to be a safe distance away when it goes down, because Phil is powerful and I don't want you to get hurt"

"Wait what!"

Ender dragonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora