Worse than it looks

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Tubbo POV:

Josh's smirk never left his face, even whilst the doctor told us about his injuries he stayed smiling, sadistically.

"how did he get these injuries anyway? they ARE quite severe" the doctor asked

Ranboo and I shared a look, he was anxious he knew he could get into trouble for this.

he opened his mouth to speak and i shook my head warning him not to speak before he said anything Josh interjected "he got into a fight with some guy at a bar... right tubbo?"

he looked at me with yet another devilish smile knowing i wouldn't want Ranboo in trouble "yeah...yeah that's what happened" i felt sick to my stomach but i suppose it was worth it.

"well that's not good,  anyway what's on the surface is just a rough look of what he's like currently he has a lot of internal bleeding meaning he's not very stable" the doctor said 

Josh let out a long sigh "Please doc tell me he's going to be all right he's basically my brother i need him"

"we're doing everything i can i assure you" the doctor said as he left the room.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Ranboo shouted towards josh

"well i don't think shortie here would want to see you in a prison cell. ain't that right?" Josh smiled winking at me 

"well i'd prefer you outside of a cell yes" i muttered

"But this isn't right io need to be honest" Ranboo pleaded

i grabbed his hand and moved closer to him "listen Ranboo i lost you once. I can't lose you again. I need you, i love you" 

Ranboo let out a low sigh "alright... I love you too" 

we heard a low clap from across the room "how romantic, when's the wedding"

i could hear ranboo growl below his breath

"did you mean what you said? about shawn" i asked 

"well i've known him all my life so i suppose i was being honest, which i have been this entire time... so sorry once again Ranboo"

i guess ranboo and i just misunderstood josh, he didn't seem awful, just confused

"yeah. i'm sorry for doing this to shawn, i don't know what came over me" Ranboo apologised

"what happened anyway, he never told me" Josh asked

"oh...well Shawn kissed me when Ranboo walked in without my permission, and Ranboo flipped out" i answered

"Shawn kissed you? his girlfriends gonna flip!" Josh exclaimed 

"Shawn has a girlfriend?" i asked

josh nodded his head and grabbed his phone to show us a photo "Yeah her names Sophie"

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