The Band Is Back

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Ranboo POV:

This isn't healthy. The obsessive drinking I do after every concert, or every little celebration. It was becoming a habit. An addiction.

It was the only way I could feel happy, even playing the drums couldn't clear my mind, every I looked towards the crowd I always think I see a small boy jumping up and down in time to my cymbals.

But it's not real. He's not here. He left.

The band knew something was up, they knew that Tubbo and I ended things back in our home town, but they don't know why. They've come up with theories, like

Long distance wouldn't work


He didn't want me in the band because it took time away from him

Both ideas were stupid, anyone with a brain would know that we wouldn't break up like a normal couple. I truest loved him, and he loved me. But it had to end. To satisfy that single minded arrogant son of a-

"Ranboo" I heard from behind me, I put the bottle back down onto the bar and turned around on my stool

"Hey wilbur" I slurred

"Been drinking again?" Wilbur asked, he knew the answer but I guess he didn't want to make me angry. He knows I don't really like drinking. But I do it to forget my sadness, only to be dragged back into it when I wake up in the mornings.

"A little, not like last night" I answered

"Well that's better" Wilbur spoke, moving to sit next to me, he moved his arm to wrap around my shoulders "if you need to talk-"

"You're here. I know I know. Do you have any of that stuff from last night? It made me feel so much better!" I exclaimed, peeking up at the idea

Wilbur sighed and handed me a small packet of powder "you shouldn't do this often, I shouldn't even be giving this to you"

"I know. I won't make it a habit" I said causing Wilbur to give me a disapproving look

"I promise" I smiled opening the bag and placing the powder on the bar next to my drink, before leaning down to inhale it.

Suddenly wilbur got a call from his girlfriend "I've gotta take this. I'll be back" he patted my back and left.

The second he did however tears fell from my eyes for whatever reason.

The water started to fill in my drink, so much that it was beginning to fill it back up.

Then my body started shaking, a lot.

Shaking too much, causing me to fall of the stool I was on. Hitting the ground with a large thud.

I touched my nose to discover I was bleeding, before my vision slowly began fading until all I could see was black.

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