Missing song

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Ranboo POV:

"Change of plan!" Wilbur shouted causing us all to turn and stare at him

"What? I thought the last plan you had was foolproof why change it?" Techno asked

"Because now we have Tubbo" Wilbur smiled

I didn't like the smiled he had, it didn't sit right in my stomach

"Tubbo isn't going to get hurt. Over my dead body" I  stated sternly

"Tubbo won't get hurt I promise" Wilbur assured

"In fact your running away with him for a bit, just until I get some things sorted out" Wilbur smiled once again

Tubbo must've heard him because he jumped up from his seat and ran over to hug me

"Seriously Ranboo can come home with me!?" Tubbo exclaimed, clearly overjoyed

"Mhmm" Wilbur hummed.

"What about being the drummer?" I asked

"We've got it covered. Don't worry you're not being replaced, just temporarily removed by a backing track and told you're on sick leave" Wilbur smirked

"I can live with that, I'll pack my things" I smiled rushing off to my hotel room, Tubbo following as closely as he could.

We managed to make it to the hotel room without one of us collapsing from exhaustion from running and as soon as I entered the room Tubbo latched himself onto me. Kissing everyone square inch of my face. Not leaving a spot untouched.

"I love you. I love you. I love you soooo much" Tubbo  exclaimed.

"I love you too Tubbo" I said as I pulled him off, stroking his cheek ever so slightly "I really do" I whispered leaning onto his lips.

The connection that occurred felt electric, the spark was never ending. I could die in this moment and be happy.

It was also in that moment that I realised that this is how my life could be now. Free of the talons of phils claws.

I could stay with tubbo forever.

The kiss eventually came to an end and all I could do was stare into his eyes. And all I could feel was love.

We shared a smile, and I rubbed his cheek feeling the warmth of his blush creeping to his face. His small hands wrapping there way around my torso as best he could.

I returned the favour and slithered my arms around him, squeezing slightly enough to make Tubbo shine slightly making me giggle

"I missed you" Tubbo whispered

"Words can't explain how much I missed you Tubbo, you know I barely blinked on the coach because I wanted to see you say goodbye"

"I'm sorry I didn't say bye, I just... I knew if I saw you I'd stay with you and you couldn't be with me and that would kill me"

"Well it's a good thing that's all over now, are you ready to go home?"

"More than ready" Tubbo finished pecking my lips one more time

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