It's always him

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Ranboo POV:

I didn't think I'd be back on this town so soon.

It still looked the same, although I can't expect much change in just a few months.

The second the coach had dropped us off, I headed straight back to my house. The car was still there, the hedges were a little overgrown but nothing I couldn't handle, and the homely smell completed the feeling of finally belonging.

"Home sweet home eh?" Tubbo said nudging at my side

"Home sweet home" I confirmed

After unpacking, as difficult as that was with tubbo jumping in me every few seconds, we went out into the town.

Mainly to go shopping but also to exposure the town that I missed so dearly.

To my surprise as soon as we reached the town Tubbo was rushed by a few different people I had never met, they were chatting like friends and good ones at that, I'd never seen them before. It was nice.
Nice to know he had people whilst I was gone.

Tubbo hugged one the the group. A blonde boy with brown eyes and I'd be lying if I didn't feel a pit of jealousy developing in my stomach.

Then one of the group came over to me and started talking "you look familiar... do I know you?"

"I don't think so. We've never met. What's your name?"

"Oh. My names josh, and you are?"

"I'm just a friend" I answered. I didn't particularly want people recognising me when I'm outside of the band

"Oh that's fair. Do you and Tubbo. You guys a thing?"  He asked

Although we hadn't talked about it I decided the best choice of action was to answer this on my own

"Yeah he's my boyfriend" I smiled

"Oh well it's good you've spoken enough to allow him around his ex, it's nice of you" josh said

And it made my blood boil. I quickly and subtly dragged Tubbo away before turning back to josh

"Yeah I'm great I know but we must go. We've got shopping to do" I smiled and walked off at an above average pace.

"Hey Ranboo slow down"

"Ranboo! I have tiny legs please"

After a few more steps I finally stopped

"You ok big man?" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired. Can we get what we need to and go home we can do whatever you want" I smiled

"Can we watch the office?" Tubbo snickered

"If that's what you want" I smiled leaning down to kiss his cheek and pat him on his head

"So who were they?"

"Oh you mean the band, they're cool. There's minx, nihachu, Shawn and josh"

"And you and Shawn?"

"We're good friends" Tubbo smiled, it was so sweet but I couldn't help but feel that pit in my stomach again

"Just friends?"

"Mhmm" he bummed

But I didn't trust it

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