White walls

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Ranboo POV:

"We need to stop meeting like this mr. Craft" I heard, as well as the constant beeping from the familiar heart monitor.

"Another over use of drugs and heavy alcohol intake, it's not looking good sir" the doctor continued

"I'm alright, look the heart monitor is beeping. See" I said as I tapped the screen

"That monitor won't be on for long if you keep this lifestyle up" he spoke as he walked out the room.

I looked towards my arms, seeing them riddled with holes where tubes went into, attached to small bags with liquids.

I hated it here, there was no need for me to be here. I'm always fine, my body can take a couple overdoses, it's what it takes to be in my headspace.

Suddenly wilbur and techno came into my room, wilbur with a disappointed look, techno with one of anger.

"Where's dream?" I asked

"Flirting with the professionals" Wilbur rolled his eyes and pointing behind him leading me to see dream, leaning against a wall talking to one of the doctors

"Glad to see he's not affected" I smiled

"That's the thing Ranboo. No ones affected at this point. You do this to much, it doesn't affect us anymore! When we get the call saying your in the hospital we already on our way it's that predictable. One day it'll be too much for you to handle and it'll be the last time you close your eyes!"  His eyes began tearing up and his voice slowly raised into a shout.

I knew he was speaking from the heart. And that's what hurt the most

"I prom-"

You can't keep that promise. You've broken it too many times. The band and I can't keep hiding it from Phil like you've asked, we still don't even know why! The band is a family and you're keeping secrets.
What happened?"

"PHIL HAPPE-" I stopped myself from talking, they couldn't know. It'd break them

"What?" Wilbur said but I looked away, trying my hardest to stay away from his eyes

"Ranboo what did you say?" Wilbur continued but I looked away once again.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY" techno said this time grabbing my chin forcing me to look at him

"I can't- I can't say" I stuttered

"I'll make sure you won't be able to say anything from now on if you don't start talking" techno growled.
His eyes held burning flames, scorching me to speak

"It was Phil" I whispered

"Heh?" Techno let out

"How could it be Phil?" Wilbur asked from the other side of the bed

"He didn't want me dating Tubbo. He told me to break up with him because it was bad for publicity" I cried

"No. He- he wouldn't do that. Phil said good guy" Wilbur denied

"Do you think I'd want to break up with tubbo! You saw how I was with him" I continue to shout

"You can't deny that I suppose" techno added

"But Phil... he's a good guy. After everything he's done for us" Wilbur started "I just can't see him doing... that"

"Well he did" I said, looking up towards the ceiling, allowing my eyes to close

"Phil has practically raised us Ranboo. You need to know that if this is just you not liking him and doing something drastic to make us understand is completely ridiculous" Wilbur said, and just like that my eyes shot wide open once again

"HOW DARE YOU! I WOULDNT LIE ABOUT THIS! If Phil allowed it I would take Tubbo back in an instant. Forcing myself to break up with him is that worse thing that I've ever done! If I was still with my parents but I had Tubbo I'd prefer that!" I shouted

"Well then" Wilbur began

"I guess the band have to intervene with Phil's plans"

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