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[Chapter twenty-four]


As I approach the lake, I spot the backs of two familiar boys sitting at the edge of the wharf, feet dipped into the water.

"Hey!" I shout, making my way down the dirt trail. They both look over their shoulders and smile when they see me. I then hold a paper bag in the air and wave it around asI reach the two of them. "I got ice cream!"


I cut Adonis off while reaching into the bag and tossing him a container. "And my mum's famous chocolate chip cookies."

Adonis grins and stands up, staring down at me. "I guess there is a reason as to why I tolerate you."

I scoff and put my palm on his face, pushing his head away. "Moment ruined. Great going."

"Couldn't care less." He reaches up and shoves my head away in return. "I'm gonna go. I'll see you guys later. Probably at school on Monday."

"Doni, you don't have to go." Flynn tells him and Adonis just shrugs with a crooked grin.

"No, I do. You two need to talk." He ruffles Flynn's hair and turns to me, holding his fist up between us.

I raise an eyebrow at him and he nods down at his hand expectantly.

I slowly bump my own fist against his and he smiles -kind of awkwardly- before turning around and making his way back down the wharf and up the trail.

"I'll give you the container back on Monday!" He calls over his shoulder.

Flynn and I stare after him before looking back at each other.

"Did..." I trail off with furrowed eyebrows. "Did he just fist bump me?"

Flynn looks like he wants to rip his own hair out. "Yeah."

"Doesn't he usually hug me?"


"Okay." I purse my lips before nodding slowly and slipping my shoes and socks off, sitting down next to him and dipping my own feet into the cold water of the lake.

We stay quiet for a moment, simply just looking at the sun reflecting off the surface of the water, creating a rainbow sheen.

"I'm sorry about my womb-mate."

Flynn snorts. "Womb-mate?"

"Well, I've disowned her for the time being, so she's been downgraded from twin to someone I simply shared a place with for nine months."

He laughs loudly before shaking his head. "It's not your fault. Don't worry about it."

I stare at him for a second before taking the tub of cookies and cream ice cream out of the bag along with two spoons, holding them up. "Stuff our faces and talk about random shit?"

"Please." Flynn takes one of the spoons from me as I crack the lid open, placing it on top of the bag. I turn towards the boy and cross my legs, placing the ice cream between us. He does the same. "But first, we gotta talk about what she-who-shall-not-be-named said."

I take the spoon out of my mouth, pieces of cookie already in my mouth. "Voldemortia?"

He rolls his eyes, a small smile on his face before retorting dryly. "Ha-ha."

I chuckle before sitting up straight. "You don't—you don't actually like me, do you?"

"I did. For three years. But not anymore." He answers truthfully. "That night I told her I like her, I also made the mistake of telling her about my feelings for you. Clearly, that didn't end well."

I shrug nonchalantly. "If it makes you feel any better, I liked you too."

Flynn sputters on his ice cream. "What?!"

"Yeah, for like a year when we first met."

"Are you kidding me?!"

I laugh. "Nope."

"Shitty timing, huh."

"We've always had the shittiest timing."

"Yeah." He eats more ice cream. "But it worked out didn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"We have shitty timing, but Adonis doesn't."

"What the hell are you talking about, Eugene?"

"Okay, one, stop calling me Eugene!" Flynn groans in annoyance. "Two, you obviously like Adonis!"

"I do not like Adonis!"

"You shut your face up!" He points his spoon at me threateningly. "Have you forgotten I know you better than anyone? Even your own tw—womb-mate?"

"I do no—"

"Don't even try to deny it."

"I hate you!"

He just hums. "Whatever you say, Mrs. West."

"Mrs. West. Windora West. Winnie West." I make a face, shoving more ice cream in my mouth. "Ew. No. If Adonis and I were to get married, he'd take my last name. Winnie West sounds stupid."

Flynn's grin widens. "So, you've thought about it?"

I snort. "No, Flynn. But I do have ears. Saying things out loud really does wonders."

"Then maybe you should say you like Adonis out loud."

I stare at him blankly. "You like Adonis out loud."

"Winnie!" Flynn whines. "Just admit it! I mean, you've already decided he's going to take your last name!"

"Duh! Adonis King! That sounds so fucking cool! He'd literally be named "Beautiful King"!"

"Holy shit, you are so—"

"Amazing? Adorable? Amusing—"

"Annoyingly stupid."

"Thanks for that." I state with a fake smile. "I really needed my daily insult."

"You're welcome." He grins before his expression fades into a serious one. "Be honest, Pooh Bear. Do you like Adonis?"

I chew on my bottom lip before looking back up at him with a slight shrug. "I thought it was obvious."

Flynn whoops excitedly before staring back at me with raised eyebrows. "You also thought you being bisexual was obvious but Voldemortia doesn't even know."

I laugh at the nickname for Octavia. "Hey, that's on her! Not my problem she hasn't picked up on it yet. I've been out of the closet for like six years."

"You were never in the closet." He rolls his eyes. "You didn't even have to come out to your dad."

"Dude, you should've seen the face he made when Octavia said I was straight during that dinner with Adonis and Braeden." I explain to him. "He looked like he couldn't believe how stupid his smart kid could be."

"You really should tell her."

"Yeah, I really should." I sigh, leaning back against the wooden post of the wharf. "But not tonight. Can I stay over at yours?"

Flynn gives me a small smile, his eyes squinted due to the sun shining directly on us. "Always."


I'm back! Kinda. I'm like half back.

This is a filler chapter, I guess. Nope. Definitely a filler chapter.

We're in lockdown right now and I still have uni assignments left to do so there's that.

Thanks to whoever stuck around from the last time I updated this...yikes.

- Lee🦄

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