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[Chapter twenty-seven]


"—And I think he was going to kiss me but Flynn's cockblocker ass just had to decide to call right fucking then!" I complain, lying sprawled across Kamri's bed with my head resting in said girl's lap as she sits cross-legged against the headboard.

"There, there," Kamri strokes my hair before looking down at me with a snicker. "You look like a sad, Victorian child who lost her bread."

I give her a weird look before Octavia cuts in from her place by Kamri's desk, rolling back and forth on the wheely chair. "Why don't you just kiss him?"


"Because what?"

"Because I didn't think of that." I mutter with a small pout. "Shut up."

"Tavi is clearly the smart one." Kamri giggles, still playing with my hair.

"How is Tavi the smart one?" I snort. "She's managed to fuck things up with Flynn on more than one occasion."

"Shut up!" Octavia whines, throwing a pen at me—it hits Kamri in the shoulder instead.

"Bitch!" Kamri throws it straight back at her, and Octavia -being Octavia- can't catch for the life of her. So it nails her straight in the forehead. "Put that back in the pen jar."

"I fucking hate both you." She complains, putting the pen back while rubbing her forehead. "Now help me!"

"With what?"

"Flynn and Lucas!"

"Lucas?" I sit up and stare at her. "You still haven't apologised to Lucas?!"

"I have!" She states, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation. "I just—I wanna do something nice because I'm a terrible person and I still feel really bad about everything!"

"You are a terrible person." I agree and she glares at me.

"Thanks, Winnie."

"You're welcome." I grin before continuing. "But to be fair, both you and Lucas fucked up there. You kicked him out of the closet, and he led you on."

She opens her mouth to say something else but Kamri interrupts. "Do you know if Lucas likes anyone?"

"Uh, I'm not actually sure—"

"I do!"

They both look at me expectantly for a few moments, waiting for me to continue.

"Well?" Kamri asks, nudging me.


"Are you going to tell us?" Octavia adds, tapping her foot impatiently.

"What's in it for me?"

"Are you fucking ki—WINNIE!"

"Did he tell you in confidence or some shit?" Kamri questions, eyeing Octavia in amusement as she gets more annoyed.

"No, I went all Penelope Garcia and figured it out myself."

"Penelope Garcia? Are you hyperfixating on Criminal Minds again?"

"Yes, I am. How'd you guess?"


"HELLO?!" We look over to Octavia who stares back at us in disbelief.



"Oh, right," I clear my throat dramatically. "That guy from the party, freshman year. What's his face, brown hair, green eyes, um—"

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