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[Chapter 12]


A groan emits from my mouth as I yawn, pushing Flynn off me, resulting in him hitting the floor with a thump and stirring for a bit before snores start leaving him again.

I stand up and stretch, scratching my ass -yes my ass. Let's not act like I had any shame in the first place- as I trudge into the kitchen.

I fix the coffee maker to boil a pot of black coffee before getting started on some eggs and bacon for dad, knowing he had a damn long shift last night. Yes, I washed my hands. Adonis, Flynn and Octavia can find their own breakfast. I'm probably just going to eat some cold leftover pizza.

I pour the scrambled eggs onto a plate before arranging four slices of bacon in a smiley face.

I chuckle to myself as I rip up another slice of bacon and put them at the top of the plate, coming out of the eggs, making them look like devil horns.

"Huh, looks just like Ben." I mumble to myself, thinking of Uncle Danny's little demon spawn of a child.

I pour myself a cup of coffee before taking a seat at the kitchen island just as Octavia walks.

"Morning, prick." She yawns, pouring herself a cup of coffee also.

"Kia Ora, assclown." I grin goofily, making her roll her eyes at me before looking down at their plate.

"Huh, looks just like Ben." She notes. "This dad's?"

"Yeah." I nod. "And right? That's what I said."

"How old is that kid now anyway?" She questions, coming to lean on the island across from me.

I shrug, taking another sip of my coffee. "I don't know, like four? Five?"

"He's nine." We hear dad say as he walks into the kitchen, fully dressed for the day, and pours himself a cup of coffee before turning around and leaning back on the counter next to the coffee maker. "How do you not know how old your cousin is?"

"Give me a break, he's like two feet tall!" I exclaim.

"He's four feet, three inches." Octavia says, pouring herself another cup of coffee.

"How do you know how tall he is but not how old he is?" I furrow my eyebrows. "And that's your fourth cup of coffee in the last seven minutes. Stop it."

"Told you she's a coffee addict." Flynn tells Adonis as the two of them stumble into the kitchen, half asleep. Adonis mumbles incoherently in reply.

"Hey, guys? When was the war of 1812?" Adonis asks tiredly, rubbing his eye.

Everyone stares at him.

"I hope you're kidding, because if you're not, you're really fucking stupid." Flynn states after a while.

Dad raises an eyebrow before grabbing another mug and pouring coffee in it, handing it to Adonis.

"Here, son. You look like you need this." He states and Adonis mumbles a quick thanks as he takes it. Dad then grabs his car keys from the key bowl on a shelf next to the pantry and starts walking out. "Max somehow convinced Dylan and I to go back to this old campsite with him and mark out where to walk. I'll be back later."

"If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong?" Flynn asks after dad leaves.

"You are weak." Adonis mutters, taking a sip of his coffee.

"You are strong." Octavia shrugs.

"You are stupid." I scoff, finishing my coffee just as my phone rings.

I answer without looking at the caller id.

"Ms Cheryl's, home of the strippers and hookers!" I speak cheerfully. "Press one to hire a stripper, press two to hire a hooker, press three—"

"Windora Nevaeh!"

My eyes widen in panic when dad's voice comes from the other end of the line.

"Press three to ignore everything your dumbass daughter just said and move on." I say quickly. "What's up, daddio?"

"I forgot to tell you and your sister before I left, but I told Danny that you two would baby sit Ben today."

"That little shi—"

"Do you want me to forget everything you just said?"

"Tavia, we're babysitting sweet, little Benjamin today!"

"And on that note, we're out of here." Flynn gives me a sickly sweet smile before grabbing Adonis' arm and dragging him to the front door.

"What's so bad about sweet, little Benjamin?" We hear Adonis ask.

"That little shit is anything but sweet." Flynn spits as we hear the door open and shut.

Octavia looks at me with a 'what is wrong with you' expression. "Sweet? That kid is a—"

"Okay, bye, dad! Love you! Have fun!" I rush out, quickly hanging up just as someone knocks on the door.

We both share a look.

"Kill me now." I grumble as we walk to the door.

"Ben'll probably do it first." She states, pulling the door open. We're faced with a man and his son who is a splitting image of him.

"Hi, niece one and niece two." Uncle Danny greets.

"Hi, uncle Danny." "Heyo, Dannio." Octavia and I both greet at the same time, hugging him.

"Ben, be good for your cousins." He gives his son a pointed look. "I'll be back around six."

"Okay, bye, dad." Ben gives him a sweet smile.

"Bye, kid." He ruffles his hair before looking at us. "Bye, girls."

We smile as he turns around and walks to his car, getting in and driving away.

We shut the door and Ben turns around to look at us with an evil grin.

"Oh, god." Octavia whispers.

Uncle Danny is such a sweetheart, as is his wife, Lilian. How the hell did they get a little shit as an offspring, who was most likely birthed from the asshole of Satan?


"Benjamin Carter King, you get your ass back here, right now!" I chase the boy around the house as Octavia scrubs away at the kitchen walls which are now covered in barbecue sauce and crayons.

"Never!" Ben screams, giggling wildly.

I finally catch up to him, grabbing him and throwing him on the couch.

"Let's play a game, Benny." I smile sweetly at him. "It's called 'Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down before I strangle you'!"

"No!" Ben glares at me before kicking me in the boob and running away again, laughing loudly.

"You little shit!" I clutch my boob. "Fuck this."


"Really, Winnie?" Octavia stands next to me with a raised eyebrow.



"Because he was being a little brat."

"And your only solution was to tie him to a chair and duct tape his mouth shut?!"



Yes, I know it's short. It's just a really shitty filler chapter.

And I know it's been a while...a long while.

School's been kicking my ass, but I'm on a two week holiday right now, so hopefully I'll be able to update more.


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