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[Chapter nine]



I wrench my eyes open as Octavia's annoying voice comes from the other side of my locked door.

Maybe if I ignore her, she'll fuck off.

"Wake the fuck up!" She shouts. "We have to go to school!"

Of course she won't fuck off. This is Octavia we're talking about.


I hate Mondays.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yell, pulling my covers over my head.

"If you're not up in ten minutes, I'm driving."

Oh hell, I'm not dying today!

"I'm up!" My eyes snap open and I bolt up abruptly, falling off the bed when I get tangled up in my sheets. "Ow."

"Did you just fall off the bed?" Octavia asks knowingly.

"No, I threw myself at a floor because I decided I needed brain damage." I groan sarcastically.


"What in the hell is this?" Kamri scrunches up her face as she stares at the brown goop on her lunch tray.

"Punishment for being piece of shit students?" I answer in a questioning tone as I poke at the slob with my fork and grimace when it jiggles. "This thing should be in one of Nicki Minaj's music videos."

Octavia suddenly stabs the blob with her fork. "I think mine just moved!"

I make a face and punch my tray away from me.

"Why did lunch lady Marge have to get a cold?" Lucas whines.

All of a sudden, two glad-wrapped Eggos are dropped on the table in front of me before Adonis plops down in the seat next to me, Flynn sitting on my other side.

Even though Flynn likes Octavia, he always sits next to me when we have lunch because his number one rule has always been bros before hoes. Or in his words, 'dicks before chicks'.

I don't have a dick though.

So let's just stick to bros before hoes.

Anyway, I was the first friend Flynn made when he moved here and we've been pretty much attached to the hip ever since. He even made a vow to me that no matter how much he likes someone, I'll always be the number one girl in his life.

"What're you doing?" I question Adonis in confusion.

"Being a good friend." Adonis mumbles simply, putting a zip-lock baggie of chocolate chip cookies in front of himself. "Flynn told me you like Eggos."

A wide grin grows on my face and I feel like my face is about to split in half.

I instantly throw my arms around his torso and wrap him in a tight hug.

"No, stop it." He tries to get me to let go. "I don't hug until at least ten minutes of being friends."

"Nope, too bad. I love hugs. So either learn to love it, or suck it." I wrap my arms around him tighter.

He tries to get me to let go for a few more seconds before he sighs and gives up, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and giving a quick squeeze before pulling away.

He points a finger at me. "Don't expect me to spill my guts."

I grin at him. "Don't worry. I don't want you to spill all your deep, dark secrets, just want to see that overgrown puppy Flynn was talking about."

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