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[Chapter nineteen]


"Bree from your math class!" I yell, bursting in through Flynn's front door at twelve in the afternoon.

I hear a thud and an "ow" come from the living room.

Ten bucks says he got a fright and tumbled off the couch while watching T.V.

I walking into the living room and and peer over the back of the couch to find him sprawled out on the ground, Spongebob playing on the T.V. "Let me guess, I scared the bejesus out of you and you fell off the couch?"

"Pfft, nooo..." He sits up and looks at me. "Yes."

"Knew it." I grin, jumping over the back of the couch and sitting cross legged as he gets up of the floor and sits next to me.

"And what about Bree from my math class?" He asks. I watch how he tenses up slightly.

"She's the girl you were talking about last night!"

His voice goes a pitch higher. "What makes you think that?"

"Well, she's one of the only other girls you associate yourself with outside of Tavi, Kamri and I," I start, turning my whole body to face him and he does the same, avoiding eye contact. "You hate all the other girls at our school. And the only male friends you have outside of Adonis and Luke, are the football team, you know, being the star quarterback and all. Three of your closest friends on the team are Will, Jack and Seb. Then there's, Johnny. He's a dick but you still consider him somewhat of a friend. And I know for a fact Johnny has the biggest crush on Bree. Bree has the same hair colour as Tavi and I, and a similar eye colour to Tavi, which is why you linked her to Tavi. The girl you were talking about was Bree."

He blinks at me. "What the fuck?"

"Am I right?"

He blinks again. "You—what the fuck?"

"Are those the only words in your vocabulary?" I stare at him with a blank look, waiting for him to say anything other than 'what the fuck'.

He shakes his head, snapping out of his shock. "HOW?"

"I stayed up until three in the morning putting the pieces together and figuring everything out." I shrug. "Only took two cups of coffee."

"Well, you're right...holy shit. Who knew you had a brain?"

"And this is why I'm going to study Criminology and Research, and Law in co—HEY!" I punch him in the side when I realise what he said. He bursts out laughing and I punch him again before pushing him off the couch. He grabs my ankle and pulls me onto the floor with him and starts tickling me. I flail around as he keeps tickling me.

"No! Stop! Stop! I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR KARATE CHOPPING YOU IN THE BALLS!" I scream between laughs. He finally stops after what felt like an hour, but was really one minute. I sit up, breathing unevenly. "I fucking hate you."

"Love you, too, Pooh Bear." He chuckles before sighing in relief. "I feel so much better now that you know."

"I know everything." I scoff. "You should've just saved me the trouble and Tavi two cups of coffee, and just told me."

"I just wanted to be completely certain about how I was feeling before telling you." He whines, laying his head in my lap.

"Um hello—"


I roll my eyes and continue. "I'm your best friend! You're supposed to vent to me and I'm supposed to help you figure out this crap, because I know you better than you know yourself!"

The Boy with the Violet EyesWhere stories live. Discover now