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[Chapter seventeen]


Everyone ignores Adonis, staring at each other in silence.

I clear my throat.

"So...would either of you like to explain what the ever loving fuck is going on here?" I question calmly.

"Uhh, not really." Lucas scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"Nope." Octavia shakes her head.

Everyone stares quietly at each other again.

This time Mia breaks the silence.

"Um, hi?" She gives an awkward smile. "I'm Mia. Kamri's...friend."

"More than a friend." I correct.

"Almost girlfriend." Adonis adds.

"I'm Lucas." Luke gives an even more awkward smile. "I'm Kamri's future maid of honour."

"What?!" Octavia and I exclaim in unison, looking at Kamri. "You said I could be your maid of honour when you got married!"

We then look at each other.

"Stop doing that!" We shout in unison again. "No, you! No you!"

"Both of you shut up! You're giving me a headache!" Kamri stops our arguing. "You're all fired. Adonis will be my future maid of honour."

Adonis grins happily. "Yay!"


"No buts, no boobs, no fucking anything." Kamri points a finger at us.

"No fucking anything?" Flynn repeats, eyebrows furrowed.

"Not like that, you idiot!"

"What's the deal with you two anyway?" Flynn turns his attention to Octavia and Lucas, who don't seem to notice his bitterness. "You a thing now?"


"Yes." Octavia and Lucas say at the same time before looking at each other.

I lock eyes with Kamri and she shrugs.

I still think Luke is gay. Just saying.

"Okaaayyy," I start, digging the keys to the jeep out of my pocket. "It sounds like you two have a lot to talk about. We'll go drop Mia off."

Kamri, Mia and I start walking to the front door but stop when we realise Adonis and Flynn aren't behind us.

"That includes you two." Kamri states while staring at them with hard eyes.

"But I want to stay and watch the drama." Adonis pouts.

"Yeah, me too." Flynn shrugs.

I glare at them and they share a look before quickly scrambling up and following us.


"I thought you said he was gay!" Flynn erupts about five minutes into the car ride. I'm driving with Flynn in the passenger's seat, and Kamri squashed between Adonis and Mia in the back.

"I said I thought he was gay! I wasn't a hundred percent certain!" I shout back. "Don't take your jealousy out on me, because boy, I will slap you so hard you'll fly into next week!"

"Guys, calm do—"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, West." I glare at him through the rearview mirror and he shrinks back.

"Never tell a woman to shut up, Doni." Flynn tells him. "Especially not a King. More specifically, Windora."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I explode, snapping my head to him.

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