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[Chapter ten]


"So, I'm writing a song." I announce as I drive Octavia and I to Nora's.

You're not writing a song.

Yeah, but Octavia doesn't know that.

"Really?" Octavia raises an eyebrow at me.

I nod. "Want to know what the name is?"


"It's called, 'Don't Fall for Gay Guys'."

Oh my god.




"That's my name." I grin as I pull into the car park for Nora's. We hop out and make our way inside, going to our usual booth right at the back. Adonis and Flynn should be here soon.

"Winnie, what the hell is with the name?" Octavia questions as she sits across from me.

"It's what the song is about." I say in a 'duh' tone. "Want to hear it?"


"Too bad." I grin.


I cut her off as I start singing loudly, making people turn around and look at us. "You like this guy, but he has a secret, he thinks he's slick, but we all know he likes dick,"

Octavia sinks down in her seat when she notices everyone staring at us. "Winnie—"

"You think he likes you, but he swings for the other team, in the end, your dumb little heart will be broken!"

Octavia grits her teeth and glares at me, her face red from embarrassment. "Windora Nevaeh—"


I'm cut off buy a hand being placed over my mouth.

"Go back to your food, people," Flynn calls to the customers in the cafe with his hand covering my mouth. "She escaped from a mental institution, nothing to worry about!"

"And you wonder why I call you Loca." Adonis mumbles to me, smiling in amusement.

I slap Flynn's hand off my mouth and pout at Adonis. "I'm not crazy."

"Then what the hell was that whole thing?" Adonis chuckles.

I shrug. "A song I'm writing."

"What kind of song is that?!" Octavia exclaims, still slightly blushing from embarrassment.

"A great song." Flynn's face dawns with realisation. "A great song with a very important message."

"What the hell?!" Octavia looks up at Adonis expectantly.

"If I call her song anything but 'amazing', she'll throw a shoe at me." Adonis shrugs as he goes to sit down next to me. Flynn quickly bumps him out of the way and slides in beside me instead.

"Hey!" Adonis whines.

"I always sit next to Pooh Bear." Flynn shrugs making Adonis huff and sit down next to Octavia.


"My parents always argued before they started dating." Flynn tells us.

"My parents acted like an old married couple before and after they were married." Adonis explains, but he has a distant look in his eyes at the mention of his parents.

The Boy with the Violet EyesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz