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[Chapter eleven]


"Hello dumbest and not-as-dumb-as-Winnie!" Flynn's voice rings out as the front door slams open and the smell of pizza wafts around the house.

Octavia looks at me with a questioning look.

"I called him as soon as you convinced me to let you help." I explain, grinning.

"And I brought pizza because nothing good ever comes from Octavia being in the kitchen." Flynn announces, making me laugh loudly at my sister's face.

"How rude." She pouts as we walk into the living room where Flynn is standing with a grin on his face, Adonis behind him holding eight boxes of pizza which are covering his face.

"You are not Stephanie Tanner, dude." I roll my eyes.

"You seriously made him hold all the pizza boxes?" Octavia asks Flynn, rolling her eyes and ignoring me.

"That's what servants are for." Flynn shrugs.

"I'd kick you if I could see right now!" Adonis' response comes out slightly muffled due to the pile of pizza boxes covering his face.

I chuckle before walking over and taking four of them, his face becoming visible.

"Thank you!" He exclaims. I smile softly at him and he grins brightly at me.

I place the pizza down on the coffee table and Adonis follows suit.

"Got you two Hawaiian pizzas all for yourself, fat ass." Flynn grins, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"I'd hit you for calling me a fat ass if you didn't just say you bought two Hawaiian pizzas for me." I fling his arm off me. "And I am a fat ass, so I guess I can't hit you for telling the truth...dumbass."


"We should play—"

"We are not playing Strip Poker." I cut Flynn off, taking a bite out of my slice of pizza, the four of us sitting on the floor around the coffee table.

"Why not?" He whines.

"Because Octavia sucks at Poker and seeing my sister naked is not something on my bucket list." I roll my eyes. "And no one wants to look at your tic tac dick."

Octavia covers her mouth with her hand, giggling silently while Adonis chokes on his mouthful of pizza and bursts out laughing, falling backwards.

"I hate you."

"Why? I'm lovely."

Flynn stares at me. "In what world are you lovely?"

"In what world do you have a dick?" I shoot back.

"Leave me and my dick alone!" He shouts, using his hands to cover his crotch.

"Let's play Scrabble!" Adonis suddenly exclaims, his mouth forming a wide grin.

Why is he so cute?!

I don't know, Pablorina.

Flynn and I blink at him before looking at Octavia then back at Adonis.

"No." The two of us deadpan in unison.


"Someone just put down a piece and start already!" Flynn whines impatiently.

Here we are, playing Scrabble.

Don't ask.

All I'm going to say is that Adonis has a really adorable puppy face.

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