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{Trigger Warning: This chapter mentions the death of a parent, toxic relationships, and abandonment issues}.

[Chapter twenty-eight]


Winnie had always seemed so sure of herself. It kind of felt like the world had fallen off it's axis when I found out that wasn't the case.

She had never been an insecure person per se. But she did think she was expendable.

She isn't.

She's anything but.

But she never believed that.

And honestly, that breaks my heart. That's the last thing I wanted my twin sister to think.

Let's rewind.

Our mother was always open with us about the way her mother treated her–if you could even call her that. Her main reason was so we knew the difference between a good parent, and someone who was merely there for your birth.

Mama went through a lot of shit in her life. She didn't want us to go through anything remotely close to what she did. Being a good mother was her top priority.

And she was. She was the best mother anyone could have ever asked for.

But, what she hadn't counted on, was her issues with her own mother burrowing into Winnie's brain for the rest of her life.

Winnie never told her, of course. She never had the chance, because by the time she realised why she was feeling the way she was, mum was already long gone. Six years to be exact.

Yet, she never told dad.

Or even Flynn.

I'm the only person who knows (though Flynn did end up putting it together himself seeing as he knows Winnie better than anyone). I hate that I can't help her, or even understand how she's feeling because it never affected me the same way it affected her. It was always more black and white for me; "A good person would do this and this and this, a bad person would do this and that, and maybe even that."

For Winnie, it's always been much more than that.

God, anxiety is a bitch.

Then, Christian Ricci happened.

Or as Flynn likes to call him, 'puto cabrón'.

He was, in fact, a fucking asshole. Toxic, mentally abusive, manipulative. Someone you'd never expect Winnie -of all people- to get involved with.

Sadly, manipulative people always have a way of getting what they want.

They were together for a year. When we were fifteen. Well, we were fifteen, and he was seventeen. I can confidently say it was the lowest time in Winnie's life, not including the few years surrounding mum's death.

Ultimately, the puto cabrón broke up with Winnie because she wouldn't have sex with him.

He thought, because they were in a relationship, she should do whatever he wanted. Even if what he wanted was for someone to get his dick wet.

As if Winnie wasn't fifteen. As if she wasn't a child.

So, after the way he treated her throughout the course of their so-called "relationship", and after he dumped her, he didn't know what hit him.


Flynn punched him in the face and the piece of shit was knocked out cold as soon as the younger boy's fist made contact.

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