18 | Let's Start With the Beginning Shall We?

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I arrived at the restaurant before Sofia, I chose the restaurant and I chose for the table to be in the centre of the room. I wanted multiple people to be able to see if she did anything crazy or insane like last time.

There were two CCTV cameras that would track whoever entered and existed the restaurant, there was also one positioned towards the back exit for staff.

Gracefully entering the restaurant in a dress way too formal for the setting, she smiled at me and outstretched her arms for a hug. Big fucking no to that.

"Y/N! Ah, I'm so glad we finally get to do this," she said putting her arms down once she cottoned onto the fact I wasn't going to stand from my chair to hug a complete and utter psychopath.

"Your nose isn't broken, what a shame. I thought maybe a broken nose would've made your charade to Nikki even better," I scoffed, waving over the waiter and smiling.

I ordered myself a virgin daiquiri. I was definitely not having any alcohol around her; I need my senses to be sharp and in tune. Sofia ordered a Passionfruit and Elderflower spritz, asking him to add a sprig of bloody rosemary to it. Why? To be the most annoying fucking person in the room at all times.

She sighed happily, resting her chin on the back of her hands as she smiled at me. It kind of creeped me out if I was being honest.

"So I'm assuming you asked me here to discuss my evil master plan to steal Tom away from you and become the Godmother of The Family," she said jokingly, although that was pretty much exactly why I asked her here.

The waiter promptly returned with our drinks and we thanked him. She sipped her drink and obnoxiously made an 'mmm' sound at how good it was; again, being the most annoying person in the room.

"Let's start from the beginning shall we? You guys didn't figure out the whole finger thing until I literally had to spell it out for you. And then Tom didn't even reach out to me when he saw the exact engagement ring? So I got impatient and turned up at your house after slicing my own stomach with a knife," she said quite cheerfully and casually, as if she was telling me a story about any average Saturday in her life.

"You slashed yourself? What the fuck is wrong with you," I said quietly, conscious that people were around us and she was talking at a pretty normal volume.

"Well I thought if Tom liked girls with big ugly scars on them then I'd try and fit that image. Although I have to admit yours really is a lot worse than mine. Anyway, I decided to figure out what makes you you. Why does Tom like you? I've been stalking you online for quite some time you know, about three months," she smiled innocently.

"You're even crazier than I fucking thought..." I trailed, sipping my drink. She just giggled at me. Psycho.

"Then I made you guys breakfast which I thought was actually kind of sweet and you got all jealous and weird cos I was wearing your clothes and used your makeup so like, obviously I had to try get Tom back," she shrugged.

She really is a lunatic, telling me her master plan in front of all these people who could hear her. I tried to spit back 'fuck you're actually crazy' but I heard myself slur my speech and come out with 'fug yur ac-chee creh' before my vision started to blur and Sofia's smile was the last thing my eyes focused on.

I thought I was dreaming when I woke up in my old bed inside the Witness Protection house. I rolled over and looked around at the room looking exactly the same as I stumbled my way to the living room to come face to face with a Sofia Maniscalo on the couch.

I couldn't remember much about the restaurant. I couldn't remember leaving. I couldn't remember driving home and I definitely couldn't remember how Sofia got me here.

"Seems you enjoyed your little nap, the rohypnol go down well?" She smiled, putting her phone next to her.

"You roofied me? Fuck you," I said turning to the door and trying frantically to open it, although she had welded the lock shut so it was physically impossible to open. I tried my best to run to the back door, still feeling blurry from the roofies. Opening the back door was impossible as I saw a thick padlock on the handle and so I scurried to the window, the lock welded shut similar to the door. All the windows were welded shut.

I looked around at the completely empty kitchen and attempted to smash the window with my fist, yet to my avail my hand just bounced off.

"You can try all night, it's impossible to get out of this house Y/N," Sofia called out from the living room, calmly and nonchalantly as I was trying so desperately to escape.

Walking back into the room ready to hit her, she raised a gun towards me. She threatened to pull the trigger, which of course I didn't want happening so I backed down in fear.

"We're going to do this the easy way okay? You're going to tell me how Tom fell in love with you and I'll let you live. You touch me, I'll kill you and him," she threatened, all the while sounding so sweet and polite.

"And you think Tom won't realise I'm missing? Fucking idiot, you didn't think that one through did you?" I said snarking.

"He will. But if he tells anyone you're gone or tries to find you, I'll kill you before he gets to you. So to make sure I keep you alive, he needs to stay around me and pretend to like me. And after I become the perfect girl for him, he'll end up loving me anyway," she smiled.

"Fuck me you really are insane... So why are we here?" I asked, stepping back from her slowly and taking a seat on the familiar armchair behind me. The WITSEC house was basically gutted, only the bare essential furniture remaining.

"Because this is where you first met Tom and I want to recreate myself as you. I have spent several weeks making this house completely escape proof. The windows can't break, everything is welded shut and the only way in or out is through the back door. You can't attack me with anything but yourself and I can guarantee you won't win," she grinned.

"And the neighbours won't notice something is going on? With the blinds out the front welded shut or the fact I could scream for hours whilst you're gone?" I retorted.

"That won't be an issue. Since you and Tom moved away from this cul-de-sac, the occupants have all left in one way or another. The people in number three, seven and four all left, either from their Witness Protection identities being compromised or being normal neighbours moving houses. Number one died, number five was murdered by me and number two and six were you and Tom," she explained, patting the couch next to her.

"Seriously?" I said bluntly, not believing that she actually wanted me to sit next to her.

"You can make this easy you know bestie, I'm not a total bitch. We can just have a cute girly chat and I'll be nice to you, we could even be friends if you wanted to," she smiled.

"Yeah? Fuck that and fuck you," I scoffed, staying on the armchair.

"Okay suit yourself but you won't get dinner then," she shrugged, taking out her phone and looking up at me as if she was conducting an interview.

"So... How did you and Tom first meet?" She asked casually.

"Go to hell," I spat back.

"I don't think you heard me the first time, how did you and Tom meet?" She repeated, this time aiming the gun directly at me.

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