37 | The Godfather Is Your King

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Tom woke up at the crack of dawn to check on the whole dead body situation as he let me sleep in. When I woke up, I hadn't even realised he had gone and come back. My voice was heavily croaky from Jack choking me yesterday and large dark bruises wrapped around my neck.

I was definitely concussed last night, I don't remember Tom undressing me, bathing me or tending to my wounds. I looked at myself with my phone camera, seeing a few butterfly strips across my forehead and my right cheekbone. My right eye was dark and my bottom lip was swollen, I looked like a fucking corpse.

Well, Jack was the true corpse in this situation, although I still resembled one.

"Our boys got the body out of the pool late last night once the reception finished up. They started draining the water today and the cement is getting bleached as we speak. Soon enough, it'll be like Jack Maniscalo never even showed his face in Italy," Tom smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed and stroking my hair off my face.

"How's your family?" I asked, prompting Tom to ask whether or not I even remembered the fact his Mum's room had been blown up: I didn't. I don't remember all that much after pushing Jack's body in the pool, that's when the adrenaline started to go away and my injuries became evident.

"I need to have a meeting with the boys to talk about this whole thing but Mum offered to come here and keep you company," Tom smiled.

"I'll be fine, seriously I'll probably just sleep some more," I said shaking my head gently and insisting that Nikki not come. She and I finally got along now, yet she still scared me.

"It won't be long, I'll just meet with Haz, my brothers, a few of our guys and do a call with some others... Just to update them on what's actually happened," He smiled, kissing the uninjured side of my forehead before standing up from the bed.

Tom didn't leave until Nikki arrived, as a precaution to not leave me alone. As much as I felt thankful for Tom's protection, I really didn't need it right now. She gave me a warm smile before coming over to the side of the bed and sitting down basically where Tom was.

"How are you feeling my love?" She said gripping my hand and holding it tightly between both of her own.

"I think I'm still in denial of what happened to be honest with you Nikki... Thanks for coming to watch over me whilst Tom is gone though, you really didn't have to," I apologised.

"There's nothing else I would have done besides sit in my room alone anyway," she chuckled.

"Wouldn't you go to the meeting?" I asked.

"Me? Gosh no, the men of the mafia make all of the decisions. Plus, I'm no longer the godmother, I have no place there," she said politely.

Nikki was a pretty quiet person, Dominic was the bigger personality of the two. Seriously, she was like a little mouse half the time I ever saw her. A mouse with an incredible resting bitch face and the ability to make a girl shake whenever she walked in the room.

"What is the place of the godmother?" I asked.

Nikki smirked and raised her eyebrow at me, obviously finding something about what I said quite titillating. She was actually quite enjoyable to be around when she wasn't trying to kill me.

"Are you and Tom thinking of getting hitched now that you've seen Haz and Robyn? Is that why you ask?" She cooed.

"What? No, I just don't see a lot of women in The Family so I was curious to see what the godmother actually did," I shrugged.

"Honestly? I asked myself that question every day whilst I was the godmother. I guess it's just a title to make the godfather look even better. You just sit and look pretty, have a few kids and hope that they're sons... I've never even done a Mafia job before," she laughed lightheartedly.

"Wait really? I thought you'd be feared amongst the crime community and you'd be this crazy good assassin or something," I laughed in disbelief.

"Look Y/N, I was feared only because of who my husband was, without Dom I am just the mother of my four mafia sons. That is all," she said standing up from the bed and insisting on making me a cup of tea. I declined because I didn't think a hot drink would help the pain in my throat but again, she insisted.

"Hey Nikki? Do you uh, have to have kids as the godmother?" I called out, trying to raise my voice as much as I could without it hurting so she could hear me.

"I don't think anyone would force you to have a kid against your free will now but, I've never met a Godmother who hadn't had at least two children. Why wouldn't you want to pass the legacy down to your own son?" She smiled, carefully waking over with a warm mug in her hand.

"Tom and I haven't even talked about any of this before... We haven't even talked about getting engaged," I said thanking her for the tea as she put it on the bedside table to cool down.

"Good heavens, I need to talk some bloody sense into that boy. An unmarried godfather is about useful as a dead one," she joked, although I didn't quite understand it. I didn't understand it at all.

She lifted my chin with her fingertips to inspect the wounds upon my face, tutting at Tom's attempt of using butterfly strips on my face. She told me she would reapply them, this time in a better way to aid smooth healing.

"This is another thing the godmother does... She needs to take care of her man. I suggest learning some nursing skills and practicing your stitching. There will definitely be times where Tom will tell you he's fine when he really has a bullet wound in his body that needs desperate medical attention. That's possibly the main thing to know, the godmother always puts her husband as her top priority. Whether he needs medical attention, his shopping done, his chores done or a blowjob for stress relief," she laughed to herself.

"So the godmother just does whatever the godfather wants?" I asked softly.

"The godfather is treated like your king."

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