iii. essentially, you're our soulmate

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Elizabeth had just finished getting ready when there was a knock on her door

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Elizabeth had just finished getting ready when there was a knock on her door. "Come in." She called out. Bella opened the door and peeked around it. "Are you sure you don't wanna come to the beach with us?" She asked. Elizabeth shook her head. "I have a date, Bella. I'm not cancelling." She said, making sure Landon was still asleep in his crib. "Well, can I come?" Bella asked. Elizabeth chuckled. "It's a date, Bella. I'm not inviting you on my date." She said. Bella nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. Right." She stuttered. "Now, is there anything else I can help you with?" Elizabeth asked, grabbing her purse. Bella scoffed. "Why are you even going out with them?" She asked. Elizabeth looked at her twin in shock.

"What do you mean?" She asked. "Well, it's not like they talk to anyone else at school. What makes you so special?" Bella questioned. "So, that's why you stormed out of my room yesterday?" Bella didn't say anything. Elizabeth scoffed. "You're jealous that I got their attention when Edward has barely given you a second look." She yelled, glancing back at Landon to make sure he didn't wake up. Bella still didn't say anything. Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Bella, you're my sister, and I love you, but I don't love the way you're acting right now. Have fun at the beach. Come talk to me when you're ready to grow up." Elizabeth told her sister before leaving her room.

"How do I look?" Elizabeth asked her father as she walked down the stairs. Charlie stood up. "You look beautiful." He said. Charlie didn't exactly like the thought of his daughter going out on a date, but he trusted her. Elizabeth smiled. "Thank you, daddy. You're okay with watching Landon, right?" Charlie nodded. "Of course." He responded. "You know, I'm glad you're opening yourself up to a relationship again after what happened with-" Elizabeth cut him off. "Yeah, I know. We don't need to talk about him." She said, not wanting to talk about Landon's father. He walked out after Elizabeth told him she was pregnant, and she never heard from him again.

The doorbell rang causing the two to look up. Charlie walked over and answered it while Elizabeth ran upstairs to check on Landon one last time. She ran back downstairs to see her dad talking to Rosalie and Emmett at the door. She moved herself in between them. "Okay, dad, I'll be back later." Elizabeth said, smiling at the couple at the door before turning back to her dad. Charlie grumbled something under his breath before nodding. Elizabeth kissed his cheek before leaving the house and closing the door behind her.

"He didn't give you too much trouble, did he?" She asked as they walked to Rosalie's car. Emmett chuckled. "No. He likes us." He said as he opened the passenger side door for her. "That's a surprise." Elizabeth said. Emmett closed the door behind her and slid into the back seat as Rosalie slid into the drivers side and backed out of the driveway. "So, where are we going?" Elizabeth asked. Rosalie shook her head. "That's for us to know and for you to find out." She said. Elizabeth pouted. "Nope. No. That's not gonna work." Emmett said, leaning forward to press a kiss to her cheek.


Rosalie and Emmett had taken Elizabeth to a small restaurant on the outskirts of town. They both got out of the car and Emmett opened the door for Elizabeth. "Thank you." She whispered, blushing. Rosalie grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers and Emmett placed his hand on the small of her back, leading the two girls to the door, which he held open for them. "Reservation for Cullen." Emmett said as they approached the hostess at the front of the restaurant. "Of course." She said, grabbing three menus and leading them to a table in a secluded corner, away from everyone else.

Emmett helped the two girls down into their seats before sitting down himself. Elizabeth picked up the menu and started looking through it. She heard Emmett and Rosalie whispering so she placed the menu down and looked at them. "What are you two whispering about?" She teased. "Uh, nothing." Rosalie said. "Have you decided what you're gonna get yet?" She diverted the conversation. Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows but nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna get a salad." She said. Emmet crossed his arms and leaned across the table. "Get whatever you want." He said. "I want a salad." Elizabeth said.

"No, you don't." Emmett said. "Okay, I don't want a salad. I want mac and cheese."  Elizabeth admitted. "Then get mac and cheese." Rosalie told her. "We're not gonna judge you." She continued. "Are you sure?" Elizabeth whispered. Rosalie and Emmett moved their chairs closer to hers. "Of course, sweetheart." Rosalie said. "We would never judge you." She added. Emmett wrapped his arm around the shorter blonde girl and pulled her closer into him. "Do you wanna talk about what made you think that?" He asked. Elizabeth opened her mouth to speak but the waitress cut her off. "What can I get for you guys?" She asked.

"Um, mac and cheese, please." Elizabeth said. The waitress nodded, writing it down on her notepad before looking at Rosalie and Emmett. "We're good." Emmett said. Elizabeth shot him a confused look but brushed it off. The waitress nodded and walked away before the couple turned back to the girl in between them. They looked at her, waiting for her to tell her story. Elizabeth sighed before speaking. "Back in Phoenix, nobody knew I was pregnant. They all just thought I was gaining weight. Then when they found out I had a baby, they all said that they just thought I was getting fat."

Emmett started rubbing his hand up and down her arm. "After I had Landon, I didn't think I was that much bigger, I was proud of what my body had done, I birthed a whole human, that's amazing. But I guess the judgement of being a single teen mom was getting to me and I stopped eating. I wanted to lose all the extra baby weight. It not only hurt me, but it hurt Landon too. Because I wasn't getting the nutrition I needed, neither was my milk, and I eventually stopped producing it. That's why Landon's so small." Elizabeth continued explaining. Emmett and Rosalie didn't know what to say. "Sweetheart, what happened is not your fault, okay? You couldn't control how you felt. You're here, you're fine, and so is Landon." Rosalie said, placing a kiss on the other blonde's temple.

Elizabeth nodded. "Yeah, it's been hard to recover, but I'm doing it for him." Rosalie and Emmett looked at her with adoring looks on their faces. The waitress came over and placed Elizabeth's mac and cheese down in front of her. "Are you sure there isn't anything I can get for you two?" She asked Rosalie and Emmett, eyeing the group of three all huddled up in the corner. "No, thanks. Just the bill." Emmett said. The waitress nodded and scurried off as Elizabeth started eating her mac and cheese.


Elizabeth finished eating her mac and cheese and placed the fork down before wiping her lips with a napkin. Rosalie and Emmett looked at each other, asking each other a silent question. "What?" Elizabeth asked. "Elizabeth, we have to tell you something." Emmett admitted. "Is it good or bad?" Elizabeth asked. "Well, it all depends on how you react." Rosalie said. "Does it have something to do with how you guys don't eat?" Elizabeth questioned. Emmett nodded. "It's because we're vampires. And you're our mate." He said.

Elizabeth's eyes widened. "You're what? I'm still trying to process what you just said. And what's a mate?" She asked, feeling confused. "Essentially, you're our soulmate." Rosalie clarified. "Is that why I feel so connected to you guys even though I've only known you for a few weeks?" Elizabeth asked. Emmett nodded. "Wow. Okay." Elizabeth said, processing the new information. "You're not mad?" Rosalie asked. "No. Why would I be mad? My soulmates are two of the hottest vampires I've ever met." Elizabeth exclaimed. Emmett raised an eyebrow. "And how many hot vampires have you met?" He teased. Elizabeth rolled her eyes. 

Emmett and Rosalie stood up and held out their hands. "Alright, come on. Let's get out of here." Emmett said. Elizabeth grabbed onto the hands and Emmett wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He quickly paid the bill before rushing the two girls out to the car. "Okay, okay. Slow down. Where are we going now?" Elizabeth asked. "We're taking you to meet the rest of our family." Rosalie said. "What?!"

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