iv. i didn't think it was possible

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The Cullen family was all sitting in the living room when Alice got sucked into a vision

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The Cullen family was all sitting in the living room when Alice got sucked into a vision. She came out of it with a gasp and sped to grab her phone. "Alice, what's going on?" Elizabeth asked. "Bella?" Alice said when the person on the other end picked it. Obviously, it was Bella. "Are you alright?" Alice asked. Everyone looked at each other in confusion before beginning to listen to Alice. "Why? What's wrong? I just..." Alice trailed off. She held the phone out to Carlisle who took it and sped upstairs to his office.

"Darling, what did you see?" Jasper asked his mate as she sat back down. "I couldn't see anything. It's almost as if Bella just disappeared." Alice said, confused. "Did she die?" Elizabeth asked. Alice stifled a laugh. "No. She's very much alive." She said. "Well, is she okay?" Bree asked. "What's wrong with Auntie Bella?" Landon asked from his spot on Rosalie's lap. "Nothing, sweetie." The blonde vampire said to him. Carlisle walked back into the room with a look of shock on his face. "Carlisle, what's going on?" Emmett asked.

Carlisle shook his head. "Edward and Bella are on their way back." He said. "Did something happen?" Bree asked. "Bella's pregnant." Carlisle revealed. Everyone's jaw dropped. "What?" Rosalie asked. "I didn't think it was possible." Elizabeth said, somewhat upset. Carlisle shook his head. "It shouldn't be. But, somehow, it is." He said. Elizabeth looked up. "So, you're telling me we could've had a kid this entire time?" She asked. "We don't even know what it is." Jasper said to her. 

"It's a baby." Elizabeth said. "It's not like she could be pregnant with a fish." Elizabeth said before speeding off back to hers, Rosalie, and Emmett's house. They entered behind her as Elizabeth wiped at her eyes. "Babe, are you jealous of Bella?" Emmett asked, sitting on the couch and pulling her into his lap. Elizabeth shrugged. "I thought I didn't want any more after Landon, but..." She trailed off. "You do?" Rosalie asked, sitting down next to them. Elizabeth nodded. "I know we have Bree, Jane, Alec, Heidi, Demetri, and Felix, but I would kill to be able to have another one of my own now." She said.

"Being pregnant was such an experience for me, and it's one of the most amazing things I could've ever gone through." Elizabeth said. "If only I could've done it with you guys. But now it's not possible." She sighed. Rosalie started running her fingers through her hair. Emmett grabbed both of their hands. "If there was anything I could do to make that happen for either of you, you can bet I would do anything it took." He said, kissing them both on the temple. "Thank you, Emmett. But I guess it's just something we have to live with." Elizabeth said.

Her phone started ringing. It was Bella. "Bella? What the hell is going on?" Elizabeth exclaimed. "I need yours and Rosalie's help. I want to keep it." Elizabeth's eyes widened. "Bella, are you sure?" She asked. Bella clicked her tongue. "Yeah. I'm sure." Elizabeth turned to look back at Rosalie who watched her intently. "Yeah, we'll help you."



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Edward and Bella walked into the Cullen house after they got back from Brazil. Bella was already showing. Elizabeth ran to her sister and hugged her. "Are you okay?" She asked, leading Bella over to the couch. Bella nodded. "Yeah. Thank you." She said as she sat down. "Can I?" Elizabeth asked, gesturing to the bump. Bella nodded. Elizabeth placed her hand on it and closed her eyes. They snapped open when she felt a kick. "It's a girl." She said.

"And how do you know that?" Bella asked. Elizabeth shrugged. "Just a feeling." She responded. "Plus, I was right about Landon, wasn't I?" She said. Bella chuckled. "You said he was a boy right from the start." She said. Landon came over as he heard his name. He pulled himself into Elizabeth's lap. "Hey, buddy. That's your baby cousin in there." Elizabeth said, pointing to Bella's baby bump. Landon leaned over and placed his hands on the bump. "Hi, baby cousin." He said. The baby kicked and Landon jumped back.

"That was weird. Do it again." He said, placing his hands back on the bump. Elizabeth laughed before her eyes turned to Edward who watched the scene with an unreadable look on his face. Elizabeth left Landon with Bella and walked towards Edward. She grabbed his arm and sped them upstairs to Carlisle's office. "You had sex with her?!" She shouted. Edward didn't say anything. "Of course you did. Unless this is an immaculate vampire conception." Elizabeth said, rolling her eyes.

"What were you thinking?" Elizabeth asked. "I wasn't." Edward said in a monotone voice. "Clearly." Elizabeth said. "Wait, aren't you gay?" She asked. "Shh." Edward hushed her. "Yes. I am." He whispered. "What is wrong with you?" She asked. "You're gay. You marry a woman because you can't have the guy you want, and then you knock her up." Elizabeth said. "Elizabeth, I know you don't approve of this, but this is your sister. This could kill her." Elizabeth realized what could happen to her sister. "Oh, shit. You're right." She said. She looked up at the older vampire in front of her.

"Bella is my sister. And you're the closest thing I have to a brother. You're both my family, and I love you. I'm not losing either of you to this." She said and sped back downstairs. "Bella, I don't think you should do this anymore." Elizabeth said. "What? Why?" Bella questioned her twin. "It could kill you." Bella shook her head. "Elizabeth, you don't understand." She said. "I want this." Elizabeth scoffed. "Bella, we've spent our entire lives with you being jealous of me and the things that I have. Have you ever thought that maybe I'm jealous of you for once. You have the one thing I want right now more than anything." Elizabeth ranted.

Bella looked at her sister in shock. "You're jealous? Of me?" She asked. Elizabeth sat down next to her. "Of course I am. Being a mother is my favorite thing in the entire world. It just sucks that I won't be able to experience it like that again." Bella hugged her sister. "I'm sorry." She said. Elizabeth grabbed onto her arm. "It's not your fault. You couldn't have predicted any of this."

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