vi. i have my family

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"Bella, what are you going?" Elizabeth asked her twin as she saw her smearing her blood all around the battle ground

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"Bella, what are you going?" Elizabeth asked her twin as she saw her smearing her blood all around the battle ground. "It's to distract the newborns." Bella responded, not meeting her sister's eye. "Well, I suppose that is a good idea. Your scent is very... strong." Elizabeth said. Bella nodded, still looking anywhere but her. Elizabeth huffed. "Bella, why won't you look at me?" She asked. Edward suddenly appeared. "You were quite loud last night." He said. Elizabeth smirked, knowing her plan had worked.

"Oh, was I? Well, I'm sorry that Emmett and Rosalie are good at what they do." She said. "You guys were at it the entire night." Edward said. Elizabeth shrugged. "We don't need to sleep. Why not have a little fun?" She asked. Bella's face turned bright red. Whether it was in anger, embarrassment, or jealousy, Elizabeth didn't know or care. "Honestly, sex with vampires is the best thing ever." She said, trying to get an even bigger reaction from her sister. "It's addicting." She said. "Okay, I don't need to hear about that." Bella said, cringing.

"What? You don't wanna hear about how-" Bella interrupted her. "No!" She shouted. "Gross." She said, shuddering. "Elizabeth, that is disgusting." Edward said, reading her mind. Jacob and Seth then appeared, preventing Elizabeth from taunting her sister even more. "You ready to go?" Seth asked Bella. The human girl turned towards Jacob. "I thought I was going with you." She whined. Jacob scoffed and shook his head. "No, Bella. You're going with Seth. I'm with Angela now. You need to accept that." He said. Bella bit her lip. "Where is Angela, anyways?" She asked.

"At home. You seriously think I would bring her here? You are absolutely crazy." Jacob yelled. "I am not putting my imprint into danger for you." He said and stalked off. "Angela is home with Emily  watching over Landon." Elizabeth said. Bella rolled her eyes. Elizabeth scoffed. "God, Bella, you are insufferable." She said. "What? What do you-" Elizabeth cut her off. "I've spent my entire time since we've come to Forks trying to make sure you stay away from danger. But no, it's always like... 'Oh, look at me, I'm Bella. I'm a danger magnet. I need attention all the time'." Elizabeth ranted.

"Like get over yourself! You can't have everything. Things would've been so much easier if you didn't have to get involved. Honestly, I wish Jacob hadn't pulled you from the water." Elizabeth gasped in realization at what she said and covered her mouth with her hands in shock. Seth's eyes widened as he sucked in a breath. Elizabeth had forgotten he was even there. "I... I..." Bella didn't know what to say. "You guys should go." Edward said to Bella and Seth quietly. As Seth picked Bella up and started walking up the mountain, Edward gave Elizabeth a disappointed look.

Elizabeth turned to face the rest of her family. "Was I too harsh?" She asked sheepishly. They all shook their heads. "No, I think you pretty much said it." Emmett said. "She deserved it." Rosalie added. Elizabeth felt a calm wave rush over her anger and turned to face Jasper. "Thanks." She said. He nodded. "We understand how you feel, Elizabeth. But Edward has chosen this and there is nothing we can do to change his mind." Carlisle explained. Elizabeth sighed. "Why can't this Volturi person change their mind? It would save us all." Elizabeth said.

Alice shook her head. "It's not that simple." She said. Elizabeth looked at her, motioning for her to explain. "You can't just up and leave the Volturi." "Unless you have a death wish." Rosalie mumbled. "Even if he did want Edward, it's impossible." Alice said. "So, it's a he?" Elizabeth asked. Everyone nodded. "That makes a lot of sense, actually." She said. "What do you mean?" Rosalie asked. "It would explain why Edward has never really been into Bella." Elizabeth said. Everyone nodded. Embry walked out of the forest. "Bella, Seth, and Edward are up on the mountain." He said, approaching the Cullen family.

"Thanks, Embry." Elizabeth said. "Is the pack ready?" Carlisle asked. Embry nodded. He turned to Emmett and Rosalie. "I'll protect her with my life." He said. They smiled at him. He turned back to the rest of the Cullen family. "We're ready. We won't let anything happen to Elizabeth." He said. "Not Bella?" Jasper teased. Embry shook his head. "Hell no. She's more trouble than what she's worth." He said. Elizabeth giggled. They heard a howl. "You should go." Elizabeth said. Embry nodded. He pulled the blonde vampire into a hug. "Love you." He said and pulled away. "Love you." Elizabeth responded as he shifted and ran off into the woods. Emmett growled, his possessive side coming out. "Easy, big guy." Elizabeth said, placing a hand on his chest.


"I should go apologize." Elizabeth said, standing up from the tree stump she sat on. Rosalie grabbed her and pulled her into her lap. "No, you shouldn't." Rosalie growled. "I told you. She deserved it." "She's still my sister." Elizabeth said. Emmett nodded. "Yeah, who got you into this mess." He said, moving and sitting next to his mates. "If she didn't get involved you would still be human." Rosalie said. Elizabeth shook her head. "I would've been turned eventually. Bella kind of just sped up the process a little bit."

"If you hadn't met us you wouldn't." Rosalie said. Elizabeth grabbed Rosalie's face in her hands. "Why would you say that?" She asked. She wasn't upset, just wondering why Rosalie would be saying this now. "You could still be human. You would've had a choice." Rosalie said. "You could've had a family." Emmett placed his hand on her thigh. Rosalie looked back up Elizabeth. "Rose, I have my family." Elizabeth said. Rosalie shook her head. "Not that kind of family." She said. "What do you -Oh." Elizabeth said when Rosalie placed her hand on Elizabeth's stomach.

"She could easily have that. But she wants to throw it all away." Rosalie continued. Elizabeth placed her forehead on Rosalie's and Emmett placed his on the side of her head. "We could still have that." Emmett said. "We have Landon. We'll be able to watch him grow up." He continued. Rosalie nodded, wiping at the venom tears in her eyes. "Yeah, I guess I would just love to be able to experience it myself." She said. Elizabeth smiled sadly, knowing that it would never be able to happen to them. 

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