vii. no, that's not too weird

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Elizabeth opened the door to the Swan house

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Elizabeth opened the door to the Swan house. "Dad?" She called out to Charlie. Charlie came in from the kitchen. "Elizabeth!" He exclaimed. He brought her into a hug. "What's going on? Have your heard from your sister?" He asked. Elizabeth shook her head. "I haven't heard anything. I don't think she's gotten any better, though." She lied. Charlie ran a hand over his face. "God, you've both had me worried sick." He said. Elizabeth looked down. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I've just been so worried about Bella that I haven't gotten the chance to come see you as much." She apologized.

Charlie sighed. "It's okay, pumpkin. I'm just glad that you're safe." He said. "Um, do you mind watching Landon for a couple of days?" Elizabeth asked. "Not at all. Why?" Charlie asked, taking his grandson from his daughter's arms. "We're going out of town." Angela said from beside her. "Couples trip." Elizabeth handed Charlie Landon's bag. With Bella being so close to giving birth, they thought it would be safer for Landon to be away from the house.

"We just thought it would be a good idea to go somewhere and take our minds off of Bella for a little bit." Elizabeth explained. Charlie nodded. "Take as much time as you need. You shouldn't be spending all of your youth worried about your sister." He said. Elizabeth brought him into another hug. "Thank you, Daddy." She said.


Elizabeth poured up another blood bag for Bella after she got back from Charlie's house. she walked into the living room where Bella and Edward were. "Bella, Dad's really worried about you. I think you should call him." Elizabeth said to her twin, handing her the cup of blood. Bella pulled out her phone and dialed Charlie's number. "Yeah, Dad, I'm gonna be okay." Bella said once Charlie answered the phone. "I am. I feel much better." Bella said. "You could say that. Yeah, but, I mean, it is different now." She continued.

"Wrap it up." Elizabeth whispered. "Okay, Dad, I don't want you to freak out... but I'm going to a medical center in Switzerland." Bella told Charlie. 'Switzerland?' Elizabeth mouthed to herself. Bella couldn't have come up with a better lie than that? "I am. No. It's really more of a spa. And I'm sure that I'd be better by the time you got there anyway. Dad, don't come. And picture me healthy like I'm sitting on the couch with you, eating pizza or something. They say that it helps. Just picture me like that. Like I was. It'll make me feel better." Edward looked down. "Dad, I gotta go, okay? I love you." She hung up.

"I hate lying to him." Bella said to her sister. "I know. Me too." Elizabeth responded. "Now, drink your blood." She said. "I'm sorry I've been so angry." Edward said to Bella. Elizabeth left the room to give them some privacy. She walked into the kitchen to see everyone. "You guys should go hunting tonight. You need it." She said. Carlisle shook his head. "We can't risk it." He said. Elizabeth went to say something else when Edward called her back into the living room. Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"Yes?" She said, entering to see Bella and Edward with their hands on Bella's stomach. "He likes the sound of your voice." Edward told her. "A lot." "You mean she?" Elizabeth asked, kneeling down next to Edward. "Sure." He responded, moving his hands. Elizabeth placed her hands on Bella's bump. "Hi, sweetheart." She said. Edward smiled. "Okay, um, kick once if you're a boy, and twice if you're a girl." Elizabeth said, trying to prove Bella right. The baby kicked twice. Elizabeth looked up at Bella. "See? I told you." She said, smugly.


Bella, Elizabeth, Angela, Alice, and Rosalie were discussing baby names. "Can't we come up with something just a little more classic?" Rosalie asked. Bella shook her head. "I like the ones I've chosen." She said. Elizabeth nodded, agreeing with her. "I like them too." She said. That brought a smile to Bella's face. "Really?" The human girl asked her twin. "Yes. Now they're not names I would personally use, but for you, definitely." Elizabeth said.

Jacob walked into the room with Edward following him. Elizabeth and Rosalie helped Bella stand up. "Hey." Bella said. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon." Jacob responded. "This is pretty important, Bella." Rosalie said. "Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided?" She said. "What now?" Jacob asked, growing worried. Edward chuckled and smirked. "Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names." He said. "She hates them." Bella said.

"Well, then I'm on your side no matter what you picked." Jacob said. Bella sighed. "They're not that bad." Alice and Rosalie looked at her. "If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob." Elizabeth cringed at it and Jacob smiled. "Okay, fine, that one's not awful." Rosalie said. "Are you kidding? That's the one I don't like." Elizabeth said. "Why don't you tell him the girl's name?" Rosalie said. "I was playing around with our moms' names. Renee and Esme." Bella said. "And I was thinking... Renesmee." Edward and Jacob's eyes widened. "Renesmee." Jacob stuttered out. 

"I actually really like that one." Elizabeth said. "Really?" Jacob asked. "It's unique." Elizabeth said. "Is it too weird?" Bella asked. "Um... as Elizabeth said, it sure is unique." Jacob said at the same time as Edward said "No, that's not too weird." Jacob made a face. "It's beautiful. And it is unique. Which certainly fits the situation." Edward continued. "I like Renesmee." "See?" Elizabeth said to her mate who rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Rosalie said. She grabbed Bella's blood cup off of the table and handed it to her. "He likes it." Bella whispered. Rosalie rolled her eyes again. Bella went to grab the cup but it slipped from her grasp and fell to the floor. She leaned down to grab it when they all heard her spine break. She fell to the ground, breaking her knees. Everyone rushed to grab her before it was too late.

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