v. the girl who runs with vampires

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Bella knocked on the door of Elizabeth's bedroom

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Bella knocked on the door of Elizabeth's bedroom. "Hey, do you wanna come to the movies with me, Mike, and Jacob?" She asked. Elizabeth shook her head. "I can't. I'm hanging out with Embry tonight." She said, getting Landon's bag ready. "Oh, really?" Bella asked. "Yeah. We're friends." Elizabeth responded. "What's wrong with that?" She asked. "Are Rosalie and Emmett gonna be okay with that?" Bella asked. "You know what, I'll ask them." Elizabeth pulled out her phone and dialed Emmett's number. "Hey, babe." He answered almost immediately.

"Hey, would you guys care if I was gonna hang out with my friend who's a boy?" Elizabeth asked. "Of course not. We trust you." Emmett responded. 'See.' Elizabeth mouthed to Bella who rolled her eyes. "Thank you." "As long as he doesn't try anything." Emmett added. "He won't. He knows better than that." Elizabeth said. Bella left the room. "Who is this boy anyways?" Rosalie asked. "His name is Embry. He's from the Reservation." Elizabeth explained. "You mean a dog?" Rosalie asked. Elizabeth didn't say anything. "Honey, werewolves are not good company to keep." Elizabeth decided to drop the bomb on them.

"He kind of imprinted on me." She admitted. "What?" Emmett growled. "But you're ours." "And I told him that. He's okay with being just friends. But I can't just reject him." Elizabeth said, slipping on her shoes. "Why not?" Rosalie asked. "Imagine if I rejected you guys. Imagine how that would feel." Neither of them said anything. "Exactly. Now, I have to go. I love you guys. More than anything." She said. "We love you." Rosalie responded. "Be safe." Emmett said. "Always am." Elizabeth said and hung up.


Elizabeth walked with Embry up to the cottage in the woods. Landon was holding onto her hand. "Before we go in, don't stare at Emily. It makes Sam uncomfortable." Embry explained. "Okay." Elizabeth said as he opened the door. "They're here!" Another boy called out. "So, you're the girl who runs with vampires, huh?" Sam asked. Elizabeth giggled. "I guess I am." She said. "Uh, Elizabeth, that's Sam and Emily, Jared and Kim, and then that's Paul. Guys, this is Elizabeth and her son, Landon." Everyone except Paul said hello.

"Paul." Sam said, eyeing him. Paul rolled his eyes. "You expect me to just be okay with Embry imprinting on the mate of a vampire?" He asked. "Vampires. There's two." Elizabeth said quietly. "Did I ask?" Paul said. "Paul, enough." Sam yelled. Elizabeth chuckled. "You may be strong, but if you don't stop, Emmett will definitely crush you." Embry laughed nervously. Paul started walking towards Elizabeth but Embry stepped in front of her. "You can't hurt her." He said. "He's right. You can't." Sam spoke up. "Why not?" Elizabeth asked.

"You're Embry's imprint. None of us can hurt you. It's our most sacred law." Sam explained. "Huh." Elizabeth said to herself. "What?" Embry asked, hearing her. "So, I'm protected under vampire law, and werewolf law. Cool." She said. "What do you mean?" Jared asked, speaking for the first time since Elizabeth had gotten there. "Vampires most important law is don't reveal yourself to humans. Don't reveal the existence of vampires. But they're second most important law is that shared mates are protected. Other vampires aren't allowed to hurt them, human or not." Elizabeth explained.

Everyone listened with interest. "Sounds like you're a lot similar than you might think." Emily said. "What's it like being a shared mate?" Kim asked. Elizabeth tried to figure out how to explain it. "It's hard to explain. But without them, I would die. It's hard to live without them once you find them, but after you complete the bond, which I've done, it's impossible. Shared mates are very possessive and protective, and physical affection is a must at basically at all times." Elizabeth explained. "Wow. So I never had a chance." Embry joked. Sam excused himself when his phone rang. He came back a few minutes later. "Let's go. Jacob's shifting."



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"I don't know why I wore jeans to do this." Elizabeth said as her and Bella hiked through the forest. "Why are you making me do this?" She groaned. Bella didn't respond. "Where are we even going?" Bella didn't answer again. Soon they got to a clearing that was full of dead grass and leaves. Bella looked around in sadness. She fell down to the ground and Elizabeth just looked at her in confusion. Elizabeth looked up when she felt someone looking at her. She turned to see Laurent.

"Bella." She said, hauling Bella up. "Bella. Elizabeth." Laurent said. "Laurent." Elizabeth said, always the braver one of the two. "I didn't expect to find you here." Laurent said as he moved closer. "I went to visit the Cullens, but their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you behind. Aren't you sort of, um... a pet of theirs?" Laurent said to Bella. "Yeah, you could say that." Elizabeth looked at her in confusion. 'Did she just call herself a pet?' Elizabeth thought to herself. "Do the Cullens visit often?"

Bella hesitated. "Yeah, absolutely, all the time." She lied. "We'll tell them that you stopped by. We probably shouldn't, uh, tell Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett. Cause they're pretty protective." Bella continued. "But they're far away, aren't they?" Laurent said. "Why are you here?" Elizabeth asked. "I came as a favor to Victoria." He said. "Victoria." "She asked me to see if Bella was still under the protection of the Cullens. Victoria feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. An eye for an eye." Laurent said, circling the two girls.

"Elizabeth, you're safe. I know the laws. I don't intend on breaking them." He continued. "Edward would know who did it." Bella stuttered. "And he'd come after you." "I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected?" Laurent taunted. "Oh, Victoria won't be happy about my killing you. But I can't help myself. You are so mouthwatering." "Please don't. I mean, you helped us." Laurent sped towards Bella and stopped in front of her. "No, no, no. Shh, shh. Don't be afraid. I'm doing you a kindness." He said, stroking her face. "Victoria plans on killing you slowly. Painfully. Whereas I'll make it quick. I promise. You will feel nothing." Laurent whispered. 

Bella closed her eyes as he got ready to attack her. "Edward, I love you." She said. They all heard a branch snap. And then they heard growling. "I don't believe it." Laurent said. A giant black wolf appeared from the woods. 'Sam.' Elizabeth thought to herself. The others appeared behind him. Elizabeth's eyes found the dark grey wolf. That was Embry. Laurent started running but the pack chased after him. A brown wolf stopped in front of Bella and stared at her. That one was Jacob. He quickly ran off after the others. Laurent spun around and sent Sam flying. Embry's wolf turned back around. He moved his head towards the woods. "Bella. Run." Elizabeth said and they started running.


"Dad, we saw them." Bella said as the twins ran into their kitchen. "What's the matter?" Charlie asked. "In the woods. They're not bears." Bella said. "What do you mean in the woods?" Charlie asked. "Bella, Elizabeth, what the hell were you two doing in the woods?" "They're wolves. I mean, they're like huge wolves." "Are you sure about that, Bella?" Harry Clearwater asked. "Yeah, we just saw them. They were after... something." Harry cleared his throat.

"Wolves?" Charlie questioned. "You saw em." Bella nodded. Charlie shrugged. "Alright. Well, Harry? Feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?" Harry hesitated. "Sure, yeah, I'll, I'll just, uh..." Harry left the room. Elizabeth followed after her. "Harry?" "Yes, Elizabeth?" He asked, turning back around. "Uh, could you be careful with the dark grey one, please?" She asked, shyly. Harry smiled. "Of course."

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