v. and we protect our family

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"No, Quil! You guys can't come over

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"No, Quil! You guys can't come over." Bree yelled into the phone. "Why? We're having a family emergency right now. Vampires only." She said before she hung up. "Trouble in paradise?" Elizabeth asked her daughter. They heard a motorcycle pull up outside. Elizabeth looked out the window. "Uh oh." She said. "It's Jacob. He brought Angela." She said. She noticed two other figures walk up beside him. "And now Quil and Embry are here." She said. Carlisle went to open the door for them.

"Jake, is that you?" Bella called out. The three werewolves and Angela walked up the stairs and into the living room. Rosalie stood in front of Bella protectively. Everyone stared at the three wolves. Rosalie moved slightly out of the way so that Angela could go and sit next to Elizabeth. "What's going on?" The human girl whispered to her friend. "I have a feeling you're about to find out." Elizabeth whispered back. Embry and Quil walked over to Bree and wrapped their arms around her. "I'm glad you came." Bella said to Jacob as he approached them.

Rosalie stepped towards him. "Close enough." She said. "What's your problem?" Jacob asked. "Rose, it's okay." Bella said. Jacob stepped around Rosalie to see Bella who looked very sick. He sat down in front her. He sighed. "You look terrible." He said. "He's right. You do." Angela agreed with her boyfriend from beside Elizabeth. Bella clicked her tongue. "Yeah, it's nice to see you, too." She said. "So, you gonna tell us what's wrong with you?" Jacob asked, worried. Embry and Quil stepped closer, wondering what was going on.

Bella turned to her sister. "You wanna help me up?" She asked. Bella removed her blanket as Elizabeth helped her stand up. Jacob stood up, looking down at Bella's baby bump in shock. Embry and Quil jumped back. "Oh, she's gotten bigger." Elizabeth pointed out. The pregnancy had already progressed to almost full term even though it had only been a month. Bella lightly smiled up at Jacob. He stalked over to Edward. "You did this." He growled.

He went to attack Edward but Emmett grabbed him and stopped him. "We didn't know it was even possible." Carlisle spoke up. Jacob turned to him. "What is it?" He asked. "I'm not sure." Carlisle admitted. "Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac." He explained as Elizabeth helped Bella sit back down. "I can't see it, either." Alice said. "And I can't see Bella's future anymore." "We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on." Carlisle said. "What we do know is that it's strong. And fast growing."

"Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!" Jacob yelled. "This is none of your business, dog." Rosalie said to him. Embry looked over at Elizabeth and gestured for her to come over to him. She did. "This is dangerous." He whispered. "I know." Elizabeth whispered back. "Sam's not gonna be okay with this." Embry said. "I know." Elizabeth said again. "Rose!" Esme scolded. "All this fighting isn't good for Bella." She said. "The fetus isn't good for Bella." Alice countered.

"Say the word Alice. Baby. It's just a little baby." Rosalie said. Elizabeth walked over to Emmett and he wrapped his arms around her. "Possibly." Jasper said, stepping up to protect his mate. "Carlisle, you've got to do something." Jacob said. "No." Bella shouted. "It's not his decision. It's not any of yours." She said. Angela rubbed her shoulder. "Jacob, I need to talk to you." Edward said. They both walked outside. "Is this why you've been distant?" Quil asked his imprint. Bree nodded. "We didn't want anybody else to know. Especially Sam." She said. "Oh, he's going to flip." Embry said.

Elizabeth nodded. "We're prepared for that." Emmett said from behind her. "And we're prepared to stand up to him." Embry said. He walked towards Elizabeth. "He may be our Alpha, but you're our family. And we protect our family." He said. Elizabeth let go of Emmett and hugged the werewolf. "Thank you." She whispered into his ear. He let go and walked back over to Bree. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. Everyone soon left. Carlisle, Esme, Alice, and Jasper left to go do more research, Emmett left to go put Landon down for a nap, and then Bree, Embry, and Quil went back to the other house.

Rosalie, Elizabeth, and Angela stayed with Bella. Jacob walked back into the room and Rosalie went to block him. "Rose, I'm fine, really." Bella said and Rosalie moved out of the way. Elizabeth moved Bella's blankets so that she was more covered, and then she followed Rosalie out of the room. Angela soon followed. "Shouldn't you be in there?" Rosalie asked. Angela shook her head. "They need to talk." She said. "And you trust my sister?" Elizabeth asked. Angela giggled. "Somewhat. But I do trust Jacob."

Speaking of Jacob, he soon stormed out of the room and past the three girls in the kitchen. Embry and Quil soon ran through the kitchen, following after Jacob. "Embry! Quil!" Bree shouted, running after them. "Honey, what's going on?" Elizabeth asked, touching her daughter gently on the shoulder. "Sam's about to find out. Jacob's really mad." Bree said. They watched through the window as the three werewolves shifted and ran off into the forest. "This isn't going to be good." Elizabeth said. The three girls shook their heads. "I would offer to go calm him down, but I'd rather Sam not rip my head off." Angela said. 


Elizabeth and Edward walked out of the house to see Jacob, Embry, Quil, and Seth standing there. "Get ready. They're coming for Bella." Jacob said. "They're not going to touch her." Edward said. "Agreed." Jacob said. Quil spoke up. "As Embry said, you're out family, and we protect our family." He said. Edward went back inside the house as Elizabeth walked down to jin the wolves. Leah walked out of the forest. "Man, I can smell them from all the way out here." She turned to look at Elizabeth. "Oh, you're out here." "Nice to see you too, Leah." Elizabeth said.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jacob asked. "I'm not gonna let my little brother get himself killed." Leah said. "Go away, Leah. I can take care of myself." Seth said. "That you think so proves you need a babysitter." "Okay, would the both of you shut up?" Jacob asked. "Did Sam send you?" "Sam doesn't even know I left." Leah responded. They heard a howl. "I think he just figured it out." Seth said. "Jeez, with the five of you here, Sam's lost over half his pack." Elizabeth said. Leah looked at them. "I know what his plan is."

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