Chapter 8 || Honey

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It's been a whole month after I told my dad about my relationship. We haven't actually officially tell the world about it but at this point, people are not surprised considering i've kissed her in public and locked hands with her in many occassions. 

I have been in a relationship with helena for about 5 months. She makes me the happiest woman to ever exist. I would wake up almost every morning next to this beautiful actress in bed. I wouldn't imagine my life any other way. She makes me so special and safe. 

I was physically and mentally in love with this woman.

I'd consider myself pretty clumsy. I tend to fall and hurt myself once in awhile, I feel like helena would know that by now. Once, I got up pretty early in the morning, I got up to get some coffee but I spilled some water on the floor causing me to fall and hurt myself pretty badly. I got a purple bruise on the side of my thigh and my arm. Some injuries would be worst, But helena was always there to accompany me. 

When I was home with my dad, I was always interrogated by my him about where I got my injuries and bruises. I always told him it was my clumsiness, and helena helped me recover. He just nodded most of the time. 

One thing I did notice, Ever since I come out to my dad about my relationship, I never spot Giselle in my room nor in my house. Which, I'm very thankful for. I don't know where she went, Just hope she's doing great.

Our filming was coming to an end, It has been great, the whole movie, cast, directors, and everyone was incredibly sweet to me. We were shooting our last day of filming.

It was really exhausting but very much worth it, I can't wait to see the final edited movie. While, waiting for the movie to be edited, me, helena and the rest of the casts got a pretty long break before the movie premiere. 

~Present time~

It was a beautiful morning, around 7AM. I was still tired so I kept my eyes shut but very much awake.

"I would never get tired of this view" helena whispered under her breath. I can't help but smile, I opened one of my eyes to caught her staring at me full of love. Her beautiful brown curly hair was messy, a beautiful type of messy. She quickly give me a quick loving kiss and was about to got up to make breakfast.

I pulled her back by the wrist and muzzled my face into her neck. She giggled, "Love, I need to make breakfast.." "nO. Cuddle with me for a little longer." i said in a childish voice. She surrendered and cuddled me close for another half an hour.

We both got up and ended up cooking breakfast together. Oh~ how I was completely head over heels over this actress. Every move, every action she does, makes my stomach do somersaults.

While I was cooking with helena, a few thoughts came across my mind. My birthday was coming around the corner, and I planned on doing some things before I turned 28. One of the things is that, I wanted to get my first tattoo. I knew I wanted this tattoo to be meaningful, I looked over to my shoulders to see the beautiful Helena that I can openly call my girlfriend, cooking.

That's when I decided to settle on a tattoo, 'Honey.' 

Everytime I look at helena, that's what comes first in my mind. Naturally sweet. I decided to put the tattoo on the side of my right wrist. I wanted to be constantly reminded of her for the rest of my life and that she was always there under my sleeves. 

It was perfect, but I wanted her permission. I tapped her shoulders, she looked right in eyes with a slight confusion. "Hellie, I wanted to get a tattoo, and I need your permission," She raised her eyebrow interested in the coversation, "Well, I wanted a tattoo that reminded me of you, So I settled with the word 'Honey.' " I was honestly a bit nervous telling her that, afraid of what she would think of it. I looked to the floor avoiding her eye contact.

She cupped my face in one of her hand and positioned me to look at her, making me gaze into her gorgeous chocolate dark brown eyes. "Why 'Honey.' ? " She asked.

"W-well.. when I look at you, that's the first word that came to mind. Naturally a sweet person, too sweet sometimes. Ever since I met you, you've only brought me joy and happiness.. you brought sweetness into my boring life," I learned over to the counter facing her, "Same with honey, If you add them to certain food, it makes the food taste 10x better." I continued.

I noticed her eyes were filled with tears, I thought I said a wrong thing. I was about to apologized when I was cut off by helena pulling me into her embrace, I can hear her soft sobs. I hugged her tightly. She was a sobbing mess but I wouldn't have it any other way. I've known her for almost a year, yet I feel more than ready to spend the rest of my living days in her arms. 

"Of course dear, It sounds wonderful. I don't know what I do to deserve someone like you." She murmured. "I should be the one saying that, you're an angel," I told her.

We kept whispering sweet things in each other ears for a few more minutes. We ate our almost burned breakfast and get ready to go to the tattoo parlors. I dressed in a short tennis skirt and an oversized hoodie. I told Helena to write how she would write 'Honey.' on a piece of paper, she didn't question and did what she was told. I insist for her to stay home so it can be a little surprise.

When I reach the tattoo parlor, I handed the paper and asked for the exact same word and exact same handwriting on the side of my right wrist. I didn't tell her where i'll get the tattoo, So it's gonna be a surprise. It was painful but worth it. What's more special is that, the tattoo 'Honey.' was written in Helena's handwriting. I was so pleased to see the results, but I covered it with my long sleeve hoodie so helena would have no idea.

I walked back to helena's house which is surprisingly close to the tattoo parlor. I opened the door as helena stood up from the couch, checking every inch of my exposed skin, not seeing the tattoo anywhere. "Where is it dearie?" She said still searching for it. I giggled but didn't reply to her question, instead I just took her hand and pulling her down to sit on the couch again with me. "It's a surprise, Let's wait for it to heal huh?" 

She pouted as she crossed her hand over her chest pretending to be mad, I kissed her cheeks and giggled. "You need to be patient love~!" I told her. 

I got up and went to Helena's bathroom to shower. I was about to close the door, when a feet stepped in the middle of the door, not allowing me to close the door. It was still a pouting helena. "I want to shower with you," She said sternly. I shook my head 'No', but instead of giving up, She grabbed my wrist and gave me those puppy eyes I can't resist. "Now- that's unfair," I whined.

Oh she didn't stop there, "Please-Please pLEeAsEEEE with whipped cream and cherry on top?" "Fine."

If you can resist that, you're not human. 

She excited went to the bathroom, passing me. She started to throw her clothes and stepped into the rain shower. She set up the temperature while I took my clothes off. 

She saw the tattoo on my wrist and stared at the tattoo closely with such admiration in her eyes.

"I love it."

A/N HERE!! I decided maybe I should take it easy on you guys and give some fluff instead. 

I can't promise it'll be the same in the next chapter ;))

Well- I hope you like it and also don't forget to vote everyone!! <33

I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now