Chapter 24 || Petrichor

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Your POV

It is such a relief to wake up on a usual day and look out to see the sky overcast with dense black clouds, loaded with tiny drops of water. The feeling of the cold breeze brushing over my skin, the sky is gloomy and is covered with clouds. The sound of the soft raindrops onto the windows. It felt refreshing in some way.

It was around 3 in the afternoon. I didn't have anything planned for the day. It felt so odd to realize that today's weather is exactly how I'm feeling right now, I want to cry, my mind was cloudy.

Currently, I'm sitting at the restaurant of the airport, looking over the humid atmosphere. It has been raining for the past 3 hours I believe. Not many people enjoy the rain, considering you can barely do anything. But for me, it came a lot as a way of comfort.

It gave me a lot of free time to read some books, to reminisce. Indulging the enjoyable moments of the past events in the last 2 weeks. I could only smile, too overwhelmed by my emotions to speak.


I was interrupted by my phone's notification. I glance over at my phone, seeing it as a text message.

I picked the phone up, revealing the name 'Olivia'.

It was her explaining about the next few days schedule, I was about to ignore her but another chat was sent by her that caught my attention. 'I'm sorry.'

I feel so- how do I put it into words? Overwhelmed I guess.

I have never felt so clueless and helpless like my current situation. I always managed to come up with solutions but as of right now, I have nothing.

There was a whole life that my family covered for over 7 years from me.

A best friend I trusted for years betrayed me, covering the truths from me.

My life felt messy for once. I don't have anything prepared for what's coming or even if I have a single clue about what's gonna happen either.

All I can do is make scenarios about it and hope for the best. Something shiny caught my attention by the corner of my eyes.

It was the shiny box of the Sherlock Holmes teddy bear that Helena gave me a few days prior. My eyes were fixated on the box for a good 20 seconds. My eyes were soon filled with tears. It's just a matter of hours before I finally return home, back to the heavy schedule of work.

I don't mind working, it's a pretty fun thing to do. But the thought of having to leave Helena hurts my feelings for some reason.

I don't know when I'm gonna come back to London, maybe in 6 months, a whole year.. or more than that?

Yes- I have her number but it's not enough for me. Call me selfish but I wanted to spend a lot more time with her.

I haven't told Helena I'm going back home today. The only thing I'm feeling right now is the urge of phoning her number right then and there.. but what's stopping me?

Helena's POV

Waves of laughter of me and my kids filled my ears. We were playing cards, and I keep losing. I did it on purpose.

Because the sounds of my kids being this happy are making me happier than words can ever describe.

We were about to begin round 4 but a call chimed in.


Huh.. she doesn't usually call me. I reached over for my phone on the couch, trying to pick up the call but my phone was snatched away by Bill.

"Oh, cmon! A call can waittt," Bill whined.

"But what if it's important?" I said.

Bill looked at me, then at the phone, then back to me. He shook his head in disapproval. "Don't you care about us?"

Both Bill and Nell were using the puppy eyes on me. I can only frown in defeat. I let go of the thought of Florence and resumed our game.

Back to your POV

The sound of beeping goes for a few seconds before it said the call was declined. I was quite shocked that Helena would decline my call.

Is she filming a new movie? Did I bother her?

Then.. I was told my plane was ready for departure.

I let out a disappointed sigh and placed the phone back into my bag.

I put my phone on airplane mode and got up to the plane.

The whole ride there was pretty boring honestly. The feeling of my ears popping is not so pleasant.

My eyes were tired even though I slept pretty well last night. I mean.. I got nothing to do so I guess a nap won't hurt. I can feel myself falling into a deep slumber.


I was wildly woken up by a landing feeling. I look over at the window seeing how we just landed the plane.

After a whole 30 minutes of waiting, I was finally out of the plane. I made my way to go get my suitcases.

I haven't checked my phone either since I was pretty busy at the current moment. After I got everything, I went out the door.

I was being called from left to right. From drivers to paparazzi, or just people in general.

If this is what being famous is like.. I don't want it.

I finally spotted my personal driver on the corner, holding up a sign with 'Florence'.

I smiled and rushed over to him, giving him a big hug.

"Miss me?" He teased.


Me and Thomas have a pretty good bond. Like sort of a brother-sister bond, never more than that.

He took my suitcases, bringing them to the car. After we are settled in the car, I turned up some of the radio.

"Someone's famous.."

"What? Who?" I asked.

"You! Are you kidding? You're all over the news," He exclaimed.

"Pfftt.. Please- What do you mean?"

Cause to be fairly honest, I don't have a single clue about what he's talking about.

"Grab my phone and see on the recent news," He said.

I obeyed, I grab his phone from the cup holder and scrolled through the news.

Nothing new.. then I saw it.


I scrolled through, getting the main bits of it.

This Wednesday, Actress Helena Bonham Carter was found walking down the streets of London with a mysterious girl. We found that the woman in the picture was indeed a friend of Helena. But she looks oddly familiar to someone?

Along with that, they provided some pictures of me in front of the Sherlock Holmes Museum.

But then again, the same incident happened. The page got refreshed and the news disappeared.

Gosh.. this is worst than my job of 7 years.


First of all, I'm sorry for the lack of updates. School has been an ass at me for the past few weeks. I hope you still like this. It's not a lot but I'll try updating a lot more hopefully.

Not only that, I'm here to inform you about the other book that I'm doing a collab with

It's about a y/n x Bellatrix x Nat (Author) x Narcissa household stories. (andd it contains smut ;) ) If you're interested, Please do check it out it's on my friend's account which I'll be tagging on this comment. It's called 'Black Manor Chaos'. Enjoy!

Also! Don't forget to vote people <33

I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now