Chapter 10 || How much pain can a heart handle..?

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(A/N Note: You can play the song above while reading, Enjoy!)

Helena's POV

I woke up in a hotel room, fully dressed and alone. I checked the time, It was well over 10 AM. 'Shit- I didn't tell y/n where I went last night, She must've been worried,'  i thought to myself.

I quickly got up to be welcomed by hungovers. My head was pounding and spinning. I saw some aspirin and a glass of water in the night stand. I was quite impressed at 'myself' to prepare that before hand.

After about half an hour, the dizziness subsided and I decided to drive home.

The house was oddly quiet, "He-" I arrived to the dining room to find y/n crying her heart out on the dining table. I rushed to her, "What happened dear?"


I was shocked to see why she was so upset, "What are you talki-" I was cut off by her. She slowly gave me her phone to show a picture of me with tim kissing on the alley beside the city club. 

"why.. Why would you do this to me?" She told me as her voice cracked. She broke down in the floor. I held her in my arms to hopefully calm her down.

I myself- don't even know what happened. Then, The memory start coming back.


We were done with the meetings. I was on my way to exit the meeting room when I was stopped by tim. "Helena- you're done for the day right?" he asked.

I nodded in response. "Well- then, would you like to come with me and some of the cast to a club? We could have a lot of fun," He told me. 

I was about to turn him down, because I know deep down I didn't say goodbye when I left this morning. but another of the cast came towards us, "C'mon it'll be fun" they added.

I had no choice then to agree. We went there, 'I'm not gonna drink too much so I can still drive home," I promised myself but the others had other plans.

We ended up drinking a lot more than I wanted. I was definitely drunk, I know I shouldn't stay or else I wouldn't able to drive.

I excused myself out the back door, and was about to walk to my car. 

I was slammed into the wall, and all I remember was being kissed by someone. I don't know who. 

The rest of it was blurry. I was in a room, then I was in the bed. 

Flashbacks ended

Then it started to make sense. The paparazzi must've taken the photo. I don't know how to react. Not only did I broke the promise I made to myself, I also broke the most important thing of all, y/n's heart. 

She pointed to my neck, "S-So it was all real? It wasn't just some made up stories?"

I knew I messed up, I ran out of words. Nothing could come out of my mouth for some odd reason. My tears was slowly forming in my eyes. "I-I'm so sorry. I-I was drun-" Before I could finish the words, I was interrupted.

"I can't believe you- I TRUSTED YOU." She said as she screamed the last part.

She got up and ran to the car keys that's beside the front door. "Y/N!" I screamed her name, yet she didn't even turn around. 

I knew she needed some alone time, to think about what happened. I was incredibly upset at myself for letting such things happen. I was still in the floor. Trying to figure out what happened last night but nothing showed up. I must've been very drunk last night.

I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now