Chapter 14 || Business

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Y/n's POV

 Ever since my accident i've grown to like reading, it becomes my new favourite thing to do since i'm not allowed to have a phone. Their reason for it because they said it's for my health and all.

I was reading in my room one day, when I heard a knock on my door. "y/n? Can you come outside? Me and your mother needed to talk to you about something," My father said from the other side of the door.

"Sure, I'll be there in a minute" I replied. I got up from the bed and took my cane with me to help me walk. I placed the book back in the shelf as I walked out of the room.

I saw both of my 'parents' were sitting in the living room's couch looking pretty serious. I thought I did something wrong or something. 

I sat across them and waited for them to start talking.

"Y/n, it's been almost 2 years since your accident right?" My father asked

I nodded, "Well, We've been thinking about this idea for awhile," He continued.

I grew curious about what they wanted to say, "We wanted you to run our family's company. We're getting old and we thought since you have nothing to do, We could let you run the family's business" My mother said.

"But i'm not that good with french just yet"

"You don't have to worry about that, We got it all under control" They explained.

I thought about it for a moment then agreed. 

They did make a good point, I don't know what to plan for my future. These last 2 years, I've been busy going in and out of physiotherapy and learn french here and there. I could do a few simple conversations, but complicated words, I haven't got the hang of it just yet.

Honestly, I was a bit worried I might fail them, because of the language barrier but they put their trust in me. I'll give it a try.


In the next few months, I was accompanied by my father and a translator. He was there to teach me what I need to do and what I'm responsible for.

I always noticed my father speaking with olivia, just the 2 of them. If i went in the room they would stop their talk as soon as I walked in. It was suspicious but I didn't care.

So far, It's been going good. I've been doing everything right. Maybe messed up here and there but that's it. I had finished my chemo theraphy by now, and were allowed to walk without my cane.

"Alright, I'm guessing you already know what to do with the rest. I'll let you lead the rest. If you needed anything, Just talk to me or your assistant aka. your translator," My father spoke.

 I nodded at his words before he left the office. 

My assistant's name is Olivia. She's an american who moved to france 15 years ago. She was a great help especially to me. She help me handle my works, sort out my schedule, and be my french teacher. 

I was finally given a phone, Still don't know how most things work. Yet again, Even though I ran a company, I wasn't allowed to have any social media. The phone that they gave me, blocked me from play stores and stuff. Meaning I couldn't download anything even if I sneak up on them. So, the phone only allows me to read emails, chat and call people but that's probably it. 

I thought I wasn't allowed to use google, but I was allowed. Just some stuff was blocked.

"Okay so, what's the schedule for today?" I asked my assistant.

"Well, You got a meeting in an hour, another meeting later in 1PM, and sort some emails," She explained.

I softly smiled at her, "Thank you" I murmured.

I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant