9: Not You

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It's currently twelve p.m. Esme left to make me lunch, Edward said he has some 'business' to attend to so it was just me and Jasper. He's trying to teach me to control the weather without my emotions getting involved.

"You're doing it again!" He complains.

"I can't help it! I'm frustrated"

"The wind is picking it, relax yourself"

We've been doing this for almost two hours, and as you can tell, we are BOTH getting annoyed with each other.

"Okay, mister sane" I roll my eyes, and begin practicing the breathing exercises Jasper suggested.

"Y/n this is just like flying, imagine your self doing it, the way the sky looks, how the wind sounds, how the rains feels, how fast the wind and rain at going at" He explains.

I nod, close my eyes. Breathing in and out before opening my eyes again fully focused. I look to the sky and begin imagining clouds, grey, big, clouds, covering the sky.

"That's it keep going!" Jasper cheers. "Now trying a little rain" He adds.

"I don't think I can Jasper!"

"Yes you can! You're just scared!" He shouts.

"I know what you're doing! And. It's. Not. Helping!"

"Then stop rambling and do it!" He shouts with a loud sigh.

He was really getting to me, who did he think he is? Yelling at me! Like I'm stupid! Ugh!! He has no right!

3rd POV

Y/n unconsciously frees her wings, and starts rising above, her eyes turn white, almost like she was no longer her self.

"Y/n breath, you're getting out of control" Jasper takes a step back.

She laughs at him, the wind picks up, fast, loud and hard, it was hard for Jasper to stay standing, he had to hold on to a tree.

"You're not yourself!" He yells trying to get her back to normal.

"Yes! I am! This is who I am!" She yells back.

Thunder and rain following seconds after, her head tilts to the skies and lightning bolts start striking, left and right.

"Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT!" Esme yells, stepping outside.

Y/n snaps her eyes at her and sees who frighten she looks, she takes a deep breath while shaking her head, eyes coming back to her beautiful c/e.

She starts feeling dizzy, and like a lost of energy swaying over her body, her head fighting to keep her self up and eyes open, but soon blacks out rapidly falling to the ground.

"I got you" Jasper speeds over catching her before hitting the round.

They rain, wind stops and the skies cleared, like nothing had happen. Jasper looks over at Esme, both with wide eyes, and stare back at the girl calmly sleeping in Jasper's arms.

                  ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣

"What do we do with her? She's a danger to herself and other" Esme speaks.

Y/n is in the spare room, sleeping while Jasper, Esme and Edward speaks about happened twenty minutes ago.

"She just needs to control her emotions, I just pushed her too far"

"What did you say to her?" Edward asks, crossing his arms over his chest with his eyebrows furrowed.

"She had finally gotten to cloud up the sky, so I told her to try a little rain" He lets his head hang. "She said she couldn't do it, an- and I- I- I told her she was just scared, to stop rambling and do it" He sighs.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now