80: Sounds Like Love

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I wake up the next morning, today Ben and I were going to do our art project, I get up and walk to the bathroom, taking a quick hot shower, brushing my teeth and hair, then walk back into my room.

I put all my materials in my backpack and go downstairs for breakfast

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I put all my materials in my backpack and go downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning honey" Dad says as I enter the kitchen.

"Good morning dad, how did you sleep?" I sit on the table.

"Good, where are you going today?" He sets a plate in front of me with scrambled eggs and two toasts.

"I have an art project with Ben today"

"What's this project about?" He sits in front of me.

"Well we have to pick several cites and paint them to the best of our abilities from different angles" I explain as I eat.

"That sounds interesting"

"Yeah, it's going to be a lot of work"

"Just be careful okay? Try not to be in the woods too long alright?"

"Yeah dad don't worry... what about bella?" I ask.

"I think we need to give her more time"

"Okay" I give him a half smile.

"Alright sweetheart, I have to get going" he puts his plate in the sink and he turns to me giving me a kiss of the head and walking out the door.

"And now it's just me" I finish my food and go upstairs to get my phone.

As I pass Bella room, she was sitting on her chair facing the window, I let out a sigh and go downstairs to sit on the couch.

Right before I could get comfortable, my phone beeped. I checked who it was and it was Ben saying he was outside. I grab my bag and art materials then leave the house.

✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣

"Where to next?" Ben says as we get in the car.

"There's this clearing that I really like, it's closer to the Rez if you don't mind driving down there?" I say as I put on my seatbelt.

"Yeah I actually like driving" He chuckles as he starts the car.

"Oh my god I like this song"

"Then let's turn it up" Ben turns up the volume to the max as we drive through the beautiful streets filled with trees.

I rolled down the window and enjoyed the breeze, I was in love with forks. I love everything about this place, the weather, the houses, the forest, the beach, the people. In my head there's nothing bad about living here not even the vampires or wolves.

We got to the clearing and started setting up.

"This is a beautiful clearing" Ben says as he sits across the clearing.

"I told you.. very calm and beautiful"

"So how are things with Quil?"

"They are weird" I as I start the painting.

"Why? what happened?"

"I'm not sure, he's being even more aggressive about me being friend with Paul"

"Paul is that dude that like super tall and broad that everyone supposedly hates right?"


"Okay and Quil doesn't like him why?"

"Because Paul is a jerk to everyone and Quil doesn't want me hanging around him" I sigh.

"Is he not a jerk to you?"

"No? Well yeah at first he was now he's sweet.. to me at least"

"So he has a crush on you" Ben says thinking he understands the situation.

"No nothing like that"

"So if it's nothing like that why not just stop talking to him, if there's nothing more to it then you should have no problem agreeing to your boyfriend's request"

"I can't you don't understand" I sigh.

"What don't I understand?"

"That it's deeper than that, there's a connection, it physically hurts" I try to explain.

"That sounds like love to me" Ben looks over at me.

I roll my eyes and look back at my canvas.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now