27: Tuesday

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Repeat. I slam my alarm clock and roll out of bed, then to the bathroom. After doing everything I needed I walked back and sat on my bed. Zero energy to do anything.

"Ugh" I flop back.

I grab my phone and decide I did NOT want to go to school. There was no point anyways, Edward, Alice and Jasper had the stupid field trip, so it would just be Rosalie Emmett and I.

"Hey Y/n we are not there yet"

"Yeah I know, but I had an idea"

"What is it?"

"Let's go shopping" I said excitedly.

"What about school?"

"Please don't make me go, I really need a distraction"

"Fine, I'll pick you up soon"

"Thank you" I said and heard a few whispers on her side of the phone

"Emmett said he's not walking in the rain, and asked if you could stop it"

"Right on it" I hung up.

I open the curtains, and it was raining, not too hard, but still a lot. I thought about no more water and the rain slowly came to a stop. I smiled and walked to my closet.

I put on my high knees black boots, left my hair loose and grabbed a bag

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I put on my high knees black boots, left my hair loose and grabbed a bag. (The one from the picture) shoving, my wallet, phone, charger, lip gloss.

I heard a loud honk, and knew they were here. I look out my window and see the jeep parked out front, and I run downstairs.

"Morning you beautiful creatures!" I shout as I run to the car.

"Hop in tinker!" Emmett shouts back. I open the door and hop in the car.

"Good morning" I said.

"Well you are in a good mood" Rosalie says.

"Well yeah" I giggle. "We are going shopping" I smile.

"Are you buckled in?" Emmetts asks.

"No, hold on" I set my bag aside and put on my seatbelt. "Now I am"

"Alright, where to first?" He asks.

"Diner!" I exclaim.

"Diner it is"

Emmett started driving, leaving my house behind, along with all the bad energy I was feeling last night. I just hoped dad wouldn't find out I skipped school, but I doubt he would, they never say anything. The ride to the diner was fun, Rosalie put music on and we heard Emmett attempt to sing.

"I'll be right back" I grab my back and get out of the car and walk into the diner. "Morning Cora"

"Good morning booger" She hugs me. "Where's your friend?" She asks.

"Oh he had a school field trip"

"That sounds nice, your usual?" She asks.

"You know me so well" I smile and hug her and she leaves.

                     ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾

"Did you get everything?" Rosalie asks as I get back in the car.

"Yes, yes I did"

"So Port Angeles?" Emmett asks.

"Port Angeles" I answer.

The ride there was long, but with Emmetts singing, Rosalie constantly trying to shut him up and eating, it flew by faster than I thought.

"And here we are" Emmett parks the car.

"Shopping here we come!" I squeal.

"Alright, come on" Rosalie urges.

This was the first time I've ever seen Rosalie excited about anything, today I was basically her dress up doll. We went into basically every store in Port Angeles and she made me try everything she thought I'd look good in, she even bought me a few things. I bought my self things too, with the money I've been saving. I got Jacob a bracelet that works as a hair tie, I was so excited to give it to him, and I got Bella a cute long sleeve shirt.

"So why did you guys order food" I furrow my eyebrows. "If you guys don't eat" I whisper.

"Well it would be weird if we didn't" Emmett said.

"And we can still eat it, we just don't survive on it" Rosalie added.

"Ohh okay, and what does it taste like?" I ask.

"Basically" Emmett stretched out the word. "Nothing"

"Oh that sucks" I frown and get a text message.

1:12p.m "Thinking about you"

"Eww why?" 1:12p.m

1:13p.m "Jesus why do you have to be like this?"

"Eye roll" 1:13p.m

1:13p.m "Did you really just typed eye roll?"

"Yes I did, got a problem?" 1:15p.m

1:16p.m "You are something else"

"I know I am:)" 1:16p.m

1:17p.m "I can't wait to see you Friday"

"Your food is here" The waiter snaps me out of my thoughts and places our orders on the table.

"Thank you" I smile.

"Enjoy" she walks away.

"So who were you texting?" Rosalie asks.

"Just a boy"

"Tinker has a boyfriend?" Emmett wiggles his eyebrows.

"God no" I laugh and my phone vibrates again and again.

"Is he going to keep texting you?" Rosalie rolls her eyes.

"Most likely" I laugh.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now