25: Nature

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"Good job, try this tree"

"I'm hungry, Ed" I whine.

"Fix this tree and we can go back home" He argues.

I quickly lay my hand on, feeling everything the tree felt, rotten. I thought of what need to be fixed and watched the tree turn a better shade of brown, the bark looked healthy and the leaves were a bright beautiful green. I retrieve my hand back happily and stare at Edward.

"Fifteen trees, thirty flowers, seven plants, three birds, one owl, now can we go eat now" I slouch.

"You complain too much but yes we can go home now" He chuckles.

"I'm not walking OR! flying" I cross my arms.

Edward sigh and grabs my hand throwing me over his shoulder and to his back. I wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his torso then he sped away. Within seconds we were back at the Cullen residence.

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While I was eating my lunch, Edward was telling everyone everything he made me do, everything we found out I could do and how good I was at control my emotions. I didn't kill any plants or animals which was really good, I didn't loose my temper, so hopefully I could go to school tomorrow.

"And how did you feel?" Carlisle turned to me.

"I felt good but it drained me a little" I take a bite of my food.

"It's bound to happen, you need to eat more for your energy"

"Won't I gain weight?" I ask.

"No, your body will burn the calories faster than a human"

"Ohh okay" I continue eating.

"So, can she go to school with us?" Rosalie asks.

"Yeah she can, but it's best if you stick to them during the day"

"Alright, easy"

"And you can't tell Bella, just in case"

"But she's my sister"

"We know but it's until we can get everything in control" Esme says taking my empty plate.

"I understand" I nod my head. "If you excuse me" I smile and walk away to answer my phone.

"Hey are you busy?"

"No why?"

"I got everything planned, do you go to Forks High?"

"Yeah I do why?"

"Like I said, I'll be picking you up from school just let you dad know you'll be home before nine"

"P.M?!" I shout.

"Yeah, I have to go right now, bye beautiful" He hangs up.

"Ugh!" I roll my eyes.

Who does he think he is! Nine?! Nine?! I'm not staying out until nine, Jesus what's wrong with him.

"Why are your thoughts so loud?" I flinch and turn around.

"Because I shout and because I don't know" I cross my arms and furrow my eyebrows.

"So who are you going out with on Friday after school?"

"How did you know?"

"We all heard, vampires, super hearing remember?"

"Alright, I'm just going out with this very persistent, annoying, bully, playboy" I scoff.

"So why are you going out with him?"

"Because everyone deserves a second chance" I walk back inside the house.

"Should we pick you up tomorrow?" Alice asks.

"Um, yeah" I smile.

"Great!" She squeals and hugs me. "We should go shopping"

"Yes!" We jump up and down. "Rose?"


"Shopping?" Alice and I open our arms to her.

"I guess" She joins and we all jump together.

"Alright I should get back home"

"I'll take you" Edward offers.

"You sure? Bella is home"

"Wh- why is that a problem?"

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you hide from her" We all laugh but him.

"Hurry to the car you butthead" He ruffles my hair.

"My hair you damn ghost!" I shout and begin fixing it. I look back at everyone and they are all staring at me with smiles. "Bye" I smile.

"Bye" they all said.

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"Thanks Ed" I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Your welcome now get inside" He shoos me away.

"Goodnight bro" I punch his shoulder playfully.

"Goodnight sis" He playfully shoved me back.

I giggle and leave the car, once I get to the door I open it and wave back at Edward, he waves back and leaves.

"Hey" I heard from behind making me jump.

"Jesus Bella" I slap a hand over my chest and turn to look at her. "You scared me" I sigh.

"Sorry, how was your day?"

"Uh good, yeah good"

"How were the Cullens?"

"Cullens?" I ask.

"Yeah you said that's where you were going" she crosses her arms.

"I did?"

"Yeah, plus I saw Rosalie pick you up, but who just dropped you?"

"Uh, Rosalie" I quickly lie.

"Rosalies car is red and a convertible"

"Fine it was Emmett"

"Emmett drives that huge jeep"

"Jesus Bella damn! Fine! It was Edward" I shove past her and go to the stairs, half way up I turn to her. "And in getting picked up tomorrow so don't worry"

I quickly run the rest of the way up and lock my self in my room. I knew Bella would be freaking out right now, she likes Edward even if she doesn't want to admit it, now I'm lying to her and she's probably going to think the worse.

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I fell asleep at some point because I'm being woken but a knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I mumble.

"I got you burger and fries" dad walks in and sets it on my bed.

"Thanks dad" I smile. "I'm feeling way better, I think I'll go to school tomorrow"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, plus I've missed enough class, I'll have to catch up"

"Okay, but if you feel bad, you give me a call and I'll go get you"

"Thanks dad" I get up and hug him.

"Anything for you" He kisses the top of my head. "There ketchup packets and a soda in there" He pulls away.

"Alright thank you" He nods and leaves the room.

I sit back down and turn on my tv, and watched a random movie playing on my tv and started eating.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now