101: Bettering

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"That was good, you're getting good at avoiding us" Sam says as all three step put in shorts.

"Well I do have a few advantages" I smirk.

"Yeah that's no fair, she can predict our next moves"

"Jared! How many times do i have to explain?!" I throw my hands up in the air.

"Yeah yeah yeah" He rolls his eyes and walks in front of us and Sam joins him leaving Paul and I behind.

"He's so funny" I laugh.

"He's dumb is what he is" he chuckles with me.

"What do you think? Did I do good?"

"Yeah, the few times we've trained you been good, very calculated and silent" He says.

"Thanks" I smile.

"I think you just need to be more prepared when out comes to those leeches" He says with hate.

I look at him but don't say anything, I just nod my head and we walk back inside of Emily's.

"It smells so good" I hear Jared.

"It does" I take a big sniff and walk to Emily. "What can I help with?"

"Could you set the table please" She smiles at me.

"Yeah of course" I grab everything i need and walk over to the table.. soon enough Paul joins me.

We set the table together in silence, until i felt Paul's eyes on me. I look up and he had a smirk on his face, he tilted his head and started walking around the table. I smile and try to get away.

"Watch out with the table" Emily says with a laugh as we run around the table.

"Sorry" I tell Emily and put my hands up so Paul would stop but he caught me and spins me before letting me go.

"We're just messing around" Paul defends us.

"Y/n can you come help me?"

"Yeah" I walk over to her and stand right next to her.

"You guys are very playful" She says.

"I guess..." I laugh. "Sometimes"

"So does this mean you know and you don't mind?"

"Know about what?" I tilt my head.

"Well Paul's new girlfriend" She shrugs.

"ANOTHER ONE!" I scream impulsively.

My heart sunk to the bottom, I feel as if it was literally breaking into little pieces, my eyes filled up with tears and I'm just tired of this roller coaster that comes with being in Paul's life.

"Im sorry i didn't mean to-" Emily begins.

"It's okay it has nothing to do with you"

"I just want you to protect you from his stupidity" She hugs me.

"Yeah thanks" I wipe my tears.

"Hey is everything okay? Something's wrong" Paul walks into the kitchen.

Emily looks at me and then back at Paul before walking past him as she shook her head and leaving us alone to talk.

"How do you know something is wrong?"

"I felt it" He grabs my hand and takes me outside.

"Okay but how?" I asked again.

"Are you okay?" He said avoiding my question.

"NO" I said very annoyed. "I'm tired of all these secrets you're you're keeping"

"You're keeping secrets too you know!" He said getting visibly mad.

"That's different! The secret I'm keeping isn't mine to tell, but if you want to know so bad I'll tell you.. When the Cullens were here i was training with them, now your turn"


"You-" I scoff. "You been hiding things from me since the beginning and I still don't know what an imprint is" I kept my voice neutral unlike him.

"I'M PROTECTING YOU" He points at me. "AND IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!" He says while yelling.

I wanted to say so much more but I was so angry I didn't want to regret anything, so I do the next best thing and spread my wings and leave. As I was flying through the trees I notice noise below me. When i look down it was Paul is his wolf form chasing me.

"God you're so stubborn!"

I went faster and took a different direction because I was no longer going home. I crossed the treaty line and heard Paul howl, he sounded hurt. I shook my head and kept going. I arrived at a house I hadn't seen a long in a long time. I looked for the hidden key and opened the front door, locking it behind me.

I looked around and smiled to myself, this felt safe and i really liked it. Soon that smile turned into a frown and I began crying. I went upstairs and opened the door to Eds room, flopped on the couch I shed a couple of more tears before deciding that I'm done crying. I wipe my tears and look around, it was as if they were all still here everything was still the same, nothing was out of place, almost like a picture.

I stand up and open the glass door letting the nice breeze i sat on the edge and let my feet dangle while i looked at the trees. This was so bad why did this not have a balcony... very dangerous but I really liked it. This view is so relaxing i pulled up my legs and laid down far from the edge but close enough to still see the trees... I slowly felt my eyes closing.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now