21: Go Out With Me

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Jake and I were sitting on the couch, when we heard a loud honking coming from outside.

"Embry's here!" Jacob shouts.

"Bye Billy, thank you for breakfast" I tell him as he comes out.

"It's no problem kiddo, come more often" He says as he walks us out.

"Will do" I smile and open the door.

"Bye dad, I won't be home late"

"Bye, take care" He waves at us and we walk to Embry's car.

"Hey Em" I open the back door. "Hey Quil" I give them both a kiss on the cheek and buckle in.

"Hey Y/n" Embry says and does a handshake with Jacob, same with Quil.

"How did you sleep?" Quil asks as Embry starts driving.

"Thankfully I slept like a baby" I giggle. "How about you guys?"

"Fine" They both said.

"I got kicked all night" Jacob rolls his eyes and I elbow him.

"Wait, you guys slept together?" Embry slams the breaks.

"Not like that dumbass" I smack his head.

"We just shared the bed" Jacob adds, they both turn to look at us, and turn back forward.

✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤

"Hello, guys, my name is Alex" said a tall, tan guy with green eyes and brown curly hair. "And I'll be your waiter, can we start with drinks?" He looks at me.

"I'll have a vanilla shake please" I smile.

"Anything for you" He winks and I giggle.

"I'll have what she's having" Quil wraps his arm around my chair, and glares at the waiter.

"Strawberry shake here" Embry speaks.

"Mango juice" Jacob says in a serious tone. The waiter non stops stares at me and stays put.

"Did you get all that or are you too distracted?" Quil snaps at him.

"I can do two things at once" He glares at Quil, and flashes me a smile before leaving.

"What's your problem guys?" I ask.

"WE don't have a problem" Jacob answers.

"It's Alex the one with the problem" Quil adds.

"Aren't you guys being too dramatic?" Embry says.

"Thank you Em" I give him a thankful look.

"He was basically drooling all over the table" Quil rolls his eyes.

"He was just being friendly"

"He was being flirty" Jacob scoffs.

"Moving on" I roll my eyes. "We should go see a movie soon"

"I'll take you anytime" someone says in my ear, and I turn around.

"Why are you everywhere you asshole?"

"I'm anywhere you are, beautiful" Paul says getting close to my face.

"Back away Lahote" Quil says with an annoyed tone.

"We are trying to get some peace" Embry steps in.

"Don't waste your breaths, he's not worth it" I roll my eyes at him.

"So why does Quil get a kiss and I don't?"

"What do you mean?" I glance at Quil and back at Paul.

"Last night, he got a kiss and i didn't even get a peck on the cheek" He smirks.

"Shut up and leave" I sigh, I feel the boys getting tense, and I didn't want anyone fighting.

"Fine I'll leave" He stands up. "But on one condition"

"No conditions, just go" Jacob grumbles.

"What is it?" I place my arm over jacob's body, so he doesn't stand up.

"You wanted to go to the movies, let me take you" He crosses his arms.

"No way" Quil stands up, followed by Jacob and Embry.

"What's you're problem, you are not her boyfriend" Paul steps forward.

"How would you know?" Quil steps forward and I rush between them.

"Yes, I'll go out with you" I grab his hand and walk out of the restaurant.

"What's his deal?" He asks.

"We've known each other since we were kids"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Uh no" I cross my hands. "This is not why I brought you out here"

"So then why?" He asks.

"Give me your phone" I stretch my hand out and he gives it to me.

I take his phone, and type in my number, I hold the phone up high and take a picture for the contact picture then hand it back to him.

"You can add whatever name you want for the contact" I smile.

"Alright, I'll text you later then" He smiles back.

"I'll be wai-"

"Come inside Y/n, Jacob and Quil are fuming" Embry comes outside with a straight face.

"Right, ok, bye Paul" I smile and walk to Embry.

"Bye beautiful" I roll my eyes and walk in front of Embry.

"Why would you say yes" asks an angry Jacob.

"He's bad news" Quil adds.

"And he's a player" Embry crosses his arms.

"I just said it to get him out of here" I lied.

"You better not go out with him" Jacob says in disgust.

"Here are your drinks" The waiter Alex comes with our shakes.

"Thank you" I say as he hands me my vanilla shake.

"Your welcome, love" He smiles, the other guys roll their eyes. "Have you thought about what your eating?"

"Umm I think chicken fingers and French Fries" I answer.

"I'll get a burger and fries" Jacob spoke.

"I'm having mashed potatoes and steak" Embry says.

"I'll have a burger with French Fries too" Quil answers.

"Alright" Alex smiles and turns.

✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤

After Alex left, Jacob, Quil and Embry kept lecturing me about Paul and how bad he is. Telling me about the fights in school, the anger issues, bad grades, and what a big bully he is. But to be honest all he needs is someone to listen to him, what's so bad about giving him a chance.

After eating, laughing, playing a couple of games we payed and got back to the car.

"Next time we eat here, you'll dress ugly okay?" Embry laughs.

"Anything else you'd like love?" Jacob mocks.

"Your eyes are so pretty" Quil adds on.

"Haha, you guys are so funny"

The guys made fun of me for the rest of the day. When we got to the beach Quil tried talking to me several times but I would always talk to Jacob or Embry to get out of the situation.

Embry took me home and left with Jacob and Quil back to the reservation.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now