74: Hi

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When Ben dropped me off home I ran so fast inside that I forgot to say thank you for the ride. I was just so excited for what was about to happen that I couldn't wait.

I ran to my room, slammed my door shut and locked it. I opened my laptop, put on my headphones and waited.

"Hello" I hear from the other side of the FaceTime call, it was still connecting and finally their faces become clear.

"Hi" I smile.

"We miss you so much" Rosalie smiles.

"I miss you guys too, how's everything?"

"We finally settled in Tinker" Emmett laughs.

"Took you guys long enough, I've been waiting for this call"

"Well it's here tell us how it's been"

"It's been okay, Quil and I are seeing each other which has been a nice distraction"

"Distraction from what?"

"Bella mainly.. she's having nightmare, she's not speaking to me and she's sitting by her window everyday after school, it's like she's waiting for him to come out of the woods"

"Edward leaving is hitting her hard"

"Yeah, she looks empty" I sigh. "Now that we are talking about Edward where is he?" I ask, Rosalie and Emmett looked at each other and back at me.

"Uh so um tinker Edward"

"What? Emmett why are you mumbling.. Rosalie what is he saying?"

"Edward decided to go somewhere else, he wanted to be alone and will only check up once in a while"

"Oh" I frown.

"The number he left on the burner phone works, so you can actually call him whenever you want"

"Is he okay? I mean why did you guys really leave?"

"Yeah he's fine, and our reason for leaving are true, we didn't hide anything from you, it's difficult staying in once place for too long, and the whole Bella and Jasper thing just gave us another reason to go" Rosalie explains.

"I guess..." A frown forms in my mouth.

"It's going to be okay, you can visit us whenever you want" she smiles.

"Or we can meet somewhere tinker, think about it.. anywhere in the world you want to go" He says trying to lift up my mood.

"That does sound nice" I laugh. "I miss you guys so much"

"We miss you too, and we are so sorry we left you behind"

"Y/n who are you talking to?" Bella's voice came from outside my door, she tried opening it but it was locked.

"Gotta go" I panic and close my laptop hiding it and rushing to the door.

"Who were you talking to?"

"What?" I act dumb. "No one"

"I'm not stupid Y/n, I heard you talking on the phone, you were saying something about I miss you or you guys" She shakes her head.

"Okay first of all didn't mom teach you not to eavesdrop and two I was talking on the phone with Jake plus I thought you weren't talking to me, so how dare you come here and interrogate me" I sigh. "Now if you excuse me I got homework to do" I close the door on her.

I slap my forehead and walk over to my bed, falling on top of it. From where I was laying I could see outside of my window, the wind blowing the leaves on the tree gave me a sensation of calmness, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now