57: Scream

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After eating breakfast we decided to bring ourselves to the living room, we watched a couple of games and right now we are in the search of a good movie.

"No that's a romantic" Dad whines.

"We are never going to find a movie if you don't quit whining!" I whine, dad gasps and slaps a hand over his mouth.

"Hurt my feeling you little monster" He says in a fake disgust voice and we burst into laughter, the knocks on the door slowed us down.

"I'll go check" I giggle, passing the remote to dad and get up from my spot to open the door.

"Hey, is it a good time?" Paul holds up two bags from the diner.

"For food?... always" I smile and pull him in.

"WHO IS IT?" dad yells from the living area.

"It's Paul" We walk in. "he brought us some lunch." I smile nervously.

"Paul Lahote right?" Dad stands up and crosses his arms.

"Yes sir, it's nice to officially meet you" Paul places both bags in his left hand and stretches out his right one to shake my dads.

"Are you dating my daughter?" My dad shakes his hand firmly. Paul looks at me for a second and smiles before returning to my dads question.

"No sir"

"Perfect, are you staying for lunch? we were just trying to find a movie" He lets go of Paul's hand and smiles.

"That sounds good, thank you Mr. swan"

"You can call me Charlie" He grabs one the diner bags and leaves for the kitchen.

"Charlie?" I smile at Paul.

"What can I say, I grow on people" He laughs and I just roll my eyes.

"Yeah okay, what movie are we watching?" I sit on the couch.

"How about a scream?, it's starting after this commercial"

"You sure you want to watch a horror movie with Y/n?" Dad walks in with our food in plates.

"Yeah why?" Paul smirks.

"She's a loud screamer and gets scared easily" Dad laughs. "One time when she was eight-"

"DAD! that's enough" I cover my face and they both laugh.

"Okay okay, we are sorry, Paul come help me with the drinks" He walks away.

"Coming" Pauls ruffles my hair and walks off to the kitchen.

I was fixing my hair and thinking about how I was going to get through this movie when I saw a familiar blonde walk by my window. I got up fast and walked out the front door.

"Hello?" I whispered and there she appeared right in front of me. "Oh geez Rosalie almost scared me half to death" I hold my heart.

"We need to talk"

"What's wrong?"

"It's about Bella" Esme come in out of nowhere.

"Bella left and she's no longer my concern" I turn to go back inside but Rosalie grabs my arm.

"Who's inside"


"Because you might be in danger, I smell something" She gets closer and smells me before retrieving and covering her nose.

"What is it? I thought you couldn't smell my scent"

"It's not your scent" Esme says. "it's his" She nods behind me.

"What are you leeches doing here" Paul steps out of the house and pulls me into his chest.

"How dare you?! we are no threat to her, she's part of this family" Rosalie steps up, obviously offended by Pauls actions.

"Rosalie, that's enough, we are just here to warn you"

"About what?" I ask.

"The day we went to the field, three vampire showed one, turns out one of them has a thing for hunting down his pray in this case... Bella, we are doing all we can to keep her safe, but you need to stay inside"

"What do you mean Bella? is that why she left, a vampire is after her?"

"Yeah, we were trying to bring him north by using Bella's scent, while jasper and Alice took her south but he caught on to us, Edward is going to where Bella is staying incase he shows up, but we came back to make sure he didn't come here" Esme gave me a small frown.

"She doesn't need you, my pack can take care of Y/n and Charlie" Paul growls.

"Paul that's enough, Rosalie is right they are my family and are welcome whenever they want. thank you for coming back" I get out of Pauls grasp and hug them.

"Always" Rosalie says into my ear.

"You should get back inside, you'll safe and we'll keep you informed" Esme pulls back.

I nod my head and step back, watching them disappear into the trees made my heart sink a little, I wanted to be with them, help them in any way, I knew they would never let me.

"Is everything okay out here?" my dad opens the door and we turn to face him.

"Yeah, I just needed a little bit of air" I spoke.

"Okay, the movie just started so lets get back inside"

Paul moves out of the way, letting me go in first, dad follows behind me and Paul closes the door. I was not ready for this movie, and I was defiantly going to scream at some point.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now