11: The Story

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The rest of the way to the Cullens house was just Edward trying to convince me to stay home, saying 'the reservation is dangerous' 'you don't know what lurking around the woods' but what else could be lurking out there and if he knew why couldn't he just tell me. We drove up the drive way, and I quickly opened my door before Edward rush to do so himself.

"MORNING MY PEEPS" I shout as I walk in the house.

"TINKER" Was all I heard before I was picked up and thrown over someone shoulder, by someone I mean Emmett.

"PUT ME DOWN! EMMETT IM NOT PLAYING" I hit his back several times and wiggle my legs.

He didn't flinch, no once. He walked to the living room and started spinning me around.

"I'm going to puke"

"Put her down Emmett" I hear the angelic voice of Esme.

"You guys are so boring" And with that he sets me on my feet. I stumble but he quickly catches me and keeps a hand on my shoulder so I don't go falling.

"Here sweetie, I made you breakfast" Esme hands me a plate.

"Thank you, so kind of you" I smile and walk to the couch, carefully seating.

Emmett makes himself comfortable next to me, watching a game on the tv, and Edward seats on the other couch with Esme.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school" I turn to look at Emmett.

"It's a bit sunny for us"

"Us? Is everyone home?"

"Yes we are all home, Hey Y/n! How are you feeling?" Alice and Jasper walk in.

"Better what about you self?" I smile back and go back to eating my breakfast.

"I'm great, have they told you about our plans?"

"Uh no" I glare at Edward. "Casper over here said 'you'll see'' I roll my eyes and everyone laughs.

"We'll all be training with you, so you can get better" Esme speaks.

"All?" I ask, setting my empty plate on the table and taking a sip of my drink.

"Yes all of us"

"Alright, where's Rose?" I ask.

"In our room" Emmett answers.

"Be right back" I grab my backpack and walk up the stairs, and down the hall to their room.

"Come in" I hear someone say from the other side just as I was about to knock.

"If you can't sense me, how did you know?" I ask as I walk in.

"I heard the conversation" She smirks.

"Fair enough" I laugh and sit on a chair by the window.

"Are you excited?" She asks.

"Not really" I look down at my hands.

"Why? What's wrong?" She kneels in front of me.

"I los control yesterday and it wasn't fun, I wish I had a choice" I look down to my hands. "I didn't want this, I'd take being a vampire over a dangerous monster"

"It just takes practice Y/n, nobody's perfect you know? And you're not a monster, if anything we are the one"

"I don't know" I give a weak smile.

"You know, my life before I turned was perfect" She took a seat in front of me with a smile and looked out the window. "Absolutely perfect"

"That's sounds nice" I smile and continue listening to her.

"There were things I still wanted, to be married, with a nice house and a husband to kiss me when he came home" She gazed at me and returned to the window. "A family of my own"

"That's the dream huh?" We look at each other and giggle.

"Royce king" she began again. "Was the most eligible bachelor in town"

"What was he like?"

"I barley knew him, but I was young, I was in love with the idea of love" I found myself sharing that idea with Rose. "On the last night of my life, I left a friend's house late" I don't know why but my stomach began to twist and turn into a knot.

"I wasn't far from home" She looked down as if she was remembering the night, a frown covered her face and I knew where this story was going.

I leaned forward and grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze, to let her know I was there for her.

"They left me in the street, thinking I was dead, believe me, I wanted to be"
She looked down at our hands before looking back out the window. "Carlisle found me, he smelled all the blood, thought he was helping me"

"Th- that must of been hor- horrible" I stutter out in a low voice, feeling my eyes become teary, I felt for her.

"I got my revenge on them" She looked at me and wiped the tear that was falling down my cheek. "One a time, saved Royce for last, so he'd knew I was coming" A grin slid onto her face.

"I was a little theatrical back then" She giggles. "Things got better after I found Emmett" She looked down. "But we'll always be this" She paused to think of her next words. "Frozen"

"Never moving forward, that's what I miss the most" I knew if she could cry, she'd be crying right now. "The possibilities, sitting on a front porch somewhere, Emmett grey-haired, by my side" I look down and smile at the thought.

"Surrounded by our grandchildren, being dragged out to play with them on the grass, their laughter filling the air"

"You deserve that, and I really wish you had it" I frown.

"It wasn't meant for me, but you" she smiled at me "you have a choice to keep fighting, find love, have children and I want you to take it, and hold it dearly" She squeeze my hand.

"Thank you Rose" I leaned over and hugged her, she was tense first at my sudden display of affection but she relaxed and hugged back.

"We should get back to the other"

"Yeah" I said in a small whisper and broke the hug.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now