Chapter 1 - Roasted

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Hajime: "Hey, you lot."

Jinx & The Boys: "Yeah?"

Hajime: "Because of building 5's reconstruction efforts and cell remodelling, I'll be temporarily supervising one of their inmates."

Jinx & The Boys: "Hah?!"

Hajime: "Now, you better not cause any problems, got it?"

Upa walked in. Uno screamed and koala hugged Rock.


Rock: "You big baby..."

Upa: "We've met before, remember, stupid? It will only be for a little while, but I will be in your care."


Nico charged towards him. Upa simply just stepped to the side.

Upa: "Would you please stop coming at me like that?"

Jinx: "Where's everyone else?"

Upa: "Liang is staying at building 3 and Qi is staying at building 4. Anyway, this room is quite empty. It's dusty, and I can't settle in."

Uno: "The hell? You just got here and you're already complaining? You're quite the little critique."

Uno: "Be quiet, you braided scaredy-cat playboy."

Uno was down.

Rock: "AHH!! Uno lost a verbal argument?!!"

Jinx: "But I thought that's what he's best at!!"

Jyugo: "Taken down in a single hit-"

Nico: "UNO!!"

Rock: "Hey Upa, you're the one being helped, right? So maybe try to show some manners or-"

Upa: "I don't want to hear that from some muscle-brained mohawk glutton."

Rock was down.

Jyugo: "Ahh! He even got Rock?!"

Jinx: "So cruel..."

Nico: "ROCK!!"

Jyugo turned to Upa, scowling.

Upa: "Do you think you can bring about some kind of plot twist if you make a face like a protagonist? You useless slow-footed piece of trash."

Jyugo went down hard.

Nico: "JYUGO!!"

Jinx: "I mean, we all know he's slow, BUT STILL!!"

Nico: "Ma-master, you shouldn't say stuff like that!"

Upa: "Hmph."


Jinx: "Uno!"

Nico: "He's revived!"

Jinx: "He's real pissed though."


Upa: "No."

Uno: "HAAH?!"

Rock got up too.

Rock: "Upa, you bastard!! I challenge you to a sparring match!"

Upa: "Hm, do you really think you can beat me?"

Rock: "BRING IT ON!!"

Upa: "That's just what I wanted!"

They charged towards each other, but Hajime came back and got between them.

Hajime: "What the hell are you two doing?"

Rock: "Lemme go, Hajime!!"

Hajime: "Geez, I thought I told you kids not to cause problems."

Upa: "Release me, you bald smoke-drenched gorilla."

We gasped.

Jinx: "He did not..."

Uno, Rock & Nico: "He did..."

Hajime threw him into the wall.

Hajime: "I'm gonna kill you, you shitty brat."

Uno, Rock & Nico: "He picked the wrong opponent..."

I was kneeling on the floor stroking Jyugo's head, who still hadn't recovered.

Jinx: "He didn't mean it, Jyugo."

Jyugo: "But it's true... *sniff* you all know it..."

Jinx: "Upa doesn't know you like we do. So what if you're a little slow sometimes? You're far from useless."

He sat up.

Jyugo: "*sniff* Thanks, Jinx... you're a good sister."

I smiled.

Hajime: "Fine, I'll put him in another cell. By the way, you lot, the monkey sent us an apology gift for getting us wrapped up in that incident."

He gave us a big box.

Jinx & The Boys: "WOAH! REALLY?!"

Uno: "An apology gift has gotta be all appropriate and stuff, right! After all, we all worked super hard!"

Nico: "What is it, what is it?! A kung fu encyclopedia? Or maybe some nun-chucks?!"

Rock: "If we're talking Chinese apology gifts, it's gotta be food! Is it meat buns?! Or spring rolls?!"

Jinx: "I wanna see! I wanna see!"

Jyugo: "Hang on, I'm opening it..."

The five of us looked excitedly in the box.


Jinx & The Boys: "Lame Jerseys..."



Jyugo: "They sure are..."

Nico: "The material's pretty good, though..."

Hajime turned to leave, taking Upa with him.

Hajime: "They're telling you to get some exercise."

Jinx: "This is way, way too big for me..."

Jyugo: "I guess you're supposed to grow into it?"

Jinx: "I mean, self-defence lessons with Liang are fun... but I will never wear this."

Hajime: "If you're gonna complain, do it with the monkey."

Yamato came in wearing his.

Yamato: "Hello my friends! Since we've received some new sportswear, why not join me for some training!"

Uno & Rock: "HELL NO!!"

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