Chapter 42 - A Dog's Word

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I walked with my head down, tears still falling down my face.

Jinx: "Stupid... why did I come...?"

I sat against the wall, buried my head in my arms and cried.

Jinx: "Useless... I'm the worst sister ever *sob*"

I soon heard an unfamiliar voice.

???: "What's this? A child crying in the halls?"

I looked up but who I saw was quite unexpected. It was a fluffy black and white dog. I remembered meeting Genrou the last time I came to building 4 so I assumed that this dog was a guard here too.

???: "You're an inmate..."

He sat next to me.

Jinx: "Who... who are you?"

Tsubaki: "You can call me Tsubaki. I'm a guard here at building 4."

Jinx: "I'm... inmate 33 from building 13... my brother and I are here seeing Musashi."

Tsubaki: "Ah yes, you're the little one from cell 13, aren't you?"

I nodded.

Tsubaki: "Well, why are you here by yourself? Crying?"

Jinx: "I... heard something really bad about my brother and Musashi... when I was with Momoko... so... I came here to protect them..."

Tsubaki: "From what, child?"

Jinx: "... From each other... I wanted to make sure they were both safe."

Tsubaki: "Did they hurt each other?"

Jinx: "Not this time..."

Tsubaki: "So, then why the tears?"

Jinx: "Because... I know what's coming and I can't protect them!"

Tsubaki: "What makes you say that?"

Jinx: "...It was something... Hajime said..."

Hajime: "This is what happens when you try and help. You get yourself hurt. You're small and you're not that strong."

Tsubaki: "Oh, sweet heart, is that all?"

Jinx: "BUT HE'S RIGHT!... I can't help them... I can't protect them... because I'm small and weak..."

Tsubaki: "What a silly thing to say."

Jinx: "Huh?"

Tsubaki: "Your size has nothing to do with your strength."

Jinx: "B-but-"

Tsubaki: "In fact, that reminds me... I was talking to Samon the other day and he told me that number 2 is always talking about you."

Jinx: "Liang?"

Tsubaki: "That's right. He thinks quite the opposite of what you've just told me. And I'm sure he's told you that. Am I right?"

Liang: "You're tough, little one. Remember that."

Jinx: "Y-yes, sir... he has."

Tsubaki: "Don't you trust in your friend's word?"

Jinx: "I- uh..."

Tsubaki: "Surely number 2 is not the only one who thinks so."

Nico: "Our little sister's so talented!"

Jinx: "I suppose..."

Uno: "You were so brave. We're really proud of you."

Jinx: "My brothers..."

Rock: "My little sister is so strong!"

Jinx: "Have said..."

Jyugo: "Thanks, Jinx... you're a good sister."

Jinx: "Something of the sort... but it doesn't change the fact that I do get hurt every time I try and help..."

I lifted my shirt to show him the scar in my side.

Jinx: "I got cut when trying to calm Jyugo at the tournament... I got my arm fractured when trying to protect him from a robot. And... just now, Jyugo was crying again... and I... I HATE IT WHEN HE CRIES! Because he always cries when he's hurt... and I don't like seeing him hurt..."

Tsubaki: "It's natural for family to worry about each other like that. I've heard some about the relationship between the boys in building 13 cell 13 and their little sister. They take care of you, and you share smiles and laughs."

Uno: "Jinx's never failed to put a playful smile on his face... even if it takes a little time."

Jinx: "Y-yeah..."

Tsubaki: "Take a dog's word for it, sweet thing. If you ask me, whether you're as small and fragile as butterfly or as big and fierce as a tiger, you don't always need strength to protect the ones you love."

Noriko: "You know, you kind of remind me of my little brother when he was a child."

Jinx: "Really?"

Noriko: "Yes. So small, yet so determined and brave."

Tsubaki: "In any case, you're still just a pup. Don't label yourself as weak when you haven't even reached your full potential yet."

He put his paw on my shoulder.

Tsubaki: "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Jinx: "...... Y-yes, sir... I think I do..."

Tsubaki: "There you go. Now, how about I take you back to 634's cell."

Jinx: "*sniff* Kay."

We stood up and begin walking back to Musashi's cell.

Jinx: "Hey, Tsubaki... can I ask your advice on one more thing?"

Tsubaki: "Of course, sweet pup."

Jinx: "About the bad thing I heard about Jyugo and Musashi... Momoko said she can't prevent it because it was an order from her superiors... but she said I could warn them about it. Yet... I haven't told either of them anything... what do you think I should do?"

Tsubaki: "Well, if it's important and the warden gave you permission to tell these boys in advance before something bad happens on it's own, then I think you should."

Jinx: "Really?"

Tsubaki: "Besides... I can tell it's slowly eating away at you, keeping it all to yourself."

Jyugo: "Just don't keep it all bottled up... Believe me, little sister... I speak from experience when I say, it's not a good feeling."

Jinx: "... Yeah, you're right... I'll tell them."

Tsubaki took me back to Musashi's cell and I wiped my tear stained cheeks before going in.

Jinx: "I'm back."

Musashi: "Ah, there you are. Feel better, kid."

Jinx: "Mhm."

I looked to see Jyugo asleep on Musashi's couch.

Jinx: "What happened with him?"

Musashi: "Oh, he's just tuckered out from crying."

I sat down in front of him.

Jinx: "Musashi... I... I need to tell you something..."

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