3. Who Are You, Really?

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Sofia was cold, tired, and hungry after spending the whole night on the streets. When Bruno saw her his eyes started shining with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he saw her trembling.

"Yeah. Can we go?"

"Sure" he agreed. He started the car and watched with the corner of his eyes as the petite girl is shaking in her seat. He turned on the heater hoping it will help. It tended to be cold early in the morning and her clothes were not fit for the weather. She was wearing just a thin sweater, no coat.

"Thank you for helping me out"

"Your mother isn't here, right?" Bruno asked, getting to the point as he started driving away.


"You're in the same clothes you've been yesterday and you're carrying a heavy backpack instead of leaving it in your rented room. You still have that small water bottle from yesterday, you don't have a phone, should I continue the listless suspicious things I'm noticing about you?"


"So you're going to tell what it's all about or should I kick you out of this car?"

He asked pulling up on the side road. As they stopped he looked at her and Sofia barely could stand his burning gaze.

"You can't tell anyone," she said quietly.

He snorted. "You think you're in the position to make demands?"'

"You mustn't tell anyone" she stressed "Otherwise something bad will happen to me"

"To you? Why would something bad happened to you?"

Sofia ignored his last question and with a heavy heart started to explain her situation.

"My mother died a few months ago, right now I'm under the custody of my step-father. I need to find my biological family because my step-father is... not a good person. So you were right my mom isn't here. She can't be here. I'm here on my own and I need to find my family before my step-father will find me. I couldn't tell your grandmother the truth because she would just notify the police"

"And that's a bad idea because?"

"Because police are not going to help. I know it all sounds crazy but I don't ask you to believe me. I just need you to let me meet the person that can potentially be my brother. That's all"

"Okay, fine. Let's say I believe you. If any of this is true you need help. I'm just not sure if you're going to get it from Valentino"

"Why not?" Sofia asked anxiously, looking down on her lap.

"You will find out when you meet him what sort of person he is," Bruno said in a cryptic voice.



"You're not going to tell your grandma, right?"

"Tell her what?" He played along.

"Thank you" Sofia responded with gratitude.

"Don't. I will keep my mouth shut only because I don't want to get mixed up in any mess. I already kinda am by taking you to school is the only part I'm willing to play in this drama. Is that clear?"

"Yes. Thank you anyway. Actually, can I have a request?"

He sighed.


"Can you tell me more about Valentino and those two other guys? Rosa said my mother had three sons"

"There's Alessandro the oldest, he's the CEO of their little empire. Francesco is only a year younger than him, he's working at the family company as well"

"Did you said empire?"

"Oh, they're crazy rich. So if you're coming here to stir trouble just know I'm in deep shit as well and we will both end up dead"

"I don't understand any of this. How come my mother married him?" Sofia wondered out loud not really expecting the answer "Your grandma said Vittorio was working as a construction worker so I assumed my family belongs to the lower class"

"You assumed correctly"

"And how do you know?"

"Oh please. My granny knows every gossip that was ever spread in this city. Nonna Ida was her frequent visitor at her house so I had a chance to hear a lot of stories from them" Sofia couldn't help but feel jealous that Bruno would hear her grandmother's stories and she didn't even have a chance to see her once. Bruno noticing that she remains quiet continued his story "What do you think happened? Your mother got pregnant at 17 with Giorgio and he took responsibility by marrying her. They had maybe around 10 years of marriage and then she cheated on him"

"No way" Sofia gasped "And who's that person she cheated with?"

"Denaro, I don't know his name. His son, Alessio, is attending St.Louis as well"

When Sofia and Bruno arrived at the destination Sofia's eyes widened in disbelief.

This wasn't a school it was a freaking beautiful castle. Not only that, the school was the situation within beautiful scenery. It was possible to see the shape of Mount Etna from afar and the vast Mediterranean Sea coast.

"Holy shit" Sofia whispered.

Her attention shifted towards the uniforms they looked so pretty. She snapped her head to look once again at Bruno's outfit.

"It's a private school, right?" Sofia asked.

"Of course. Tuition here costs a small fortune. I really hope they won't kick me out because I brought a paid assassin with me" Bruno said.

"If I was a paid assassin I wouldn't need your
help" Sofia pointed out.

"I sure do hope that's the case or I'm in a deep shit, thanks to you" Bruno replied in a humorous voice, but deep down he was worried. This could really end badly.


As soon as we entered the school we were attacked by the teacher interested in what the strange girl is doing at school.

"Mr. Russo, my cousin Sofia came to visit from America and I thought it would be cool if she could attend lessons with me for a day. Can we do that?"

"Of course! What an excellent idea. Come inside, Sofia. I hope you will like it here" the professor said nicely.

"You didn't say you have a hot cousin Bruno," someone said from the back of the class.

"Back off Riccardo" Bruno barked at him.

"Quiet. Let's start the lesson" Mr. Russo said cutting the further discussion between the boys.


"When can we meet Valentino?" Sofia asked after the class ended.

"We can't do anything. You will see where he's at during the lunch break but if you think I'm going with you, you're sorely mistaken. If he asks you don't know me. Got it?"


As they entered the school cafeteria Bruno pointed at the table in the middle surrounded by people.

"Don't tell me that's him"

"That's him," Bruno confirmed.

Bruno went to his table without sparing Sofia a second glance.


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