9. Brothers

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"Not good news I suppose," Anastasio said looking at her with an indifferent expression.

Sofia nodded to confirm but didn't comment any further. "I'm going to sleep" she mumbled.

She lied down on the mattress, cold and hungry. She fell asleep sobbing.

Sofia was awakened by the smell of fresh bread and herbs. As she started looking around to determine when the smell comes from she realized it was Anastasio holding a piece of bread right under her nose.

"Fresh focaccia is a part of my apology for kicking you out. Eat up" he explained.

"It smells so good," Sofia commented and and took the bread with cherry tomatoes on top as if it was the greatest treasure. She didn't remember when in her life she was this hungry.

She took a bite and almost instantly she started tearing up. She took another bite. Now she was full-blown crying now.

"Why are you crying, you don't like it?" Anastasio asked panicked looking quite offended and worried.

"It's the best thing I've ever eaten" Sofia moaned dramatically.

"You cry because it's tasty?" He asked surprised.

"Yes, you don't cry when things are tasty?"

"No. Weirdo" he responded but the invective was said with visible fondness in his voice. She sniffled and he smiled gently in her direction. Sofia for a moment lost herself in his pretty grey eyes.

"Thank you so much for everything, "she said, and surprising him further she trapped him in a bear hug.

"No, no, no we don't hug strangers" he pushed her away, gently and gave an order.

"But you've been nice to me" Sofia explained her behavior with her cheeks turning rosy.

"Lesson 2: Never hug strangers no matter how nice they act. Preferably don't take food for them either unless you're really starving. Wait"

"What?" She was hoping he will tell her to stay but he didn't.

He pulled up the knife and Sofia pulled away from him suddenly scared.

But he quickly tried to calm her down.

"No, I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm giving it to you for your protection" he handed her the knife "look if you click here it folds. Stay safe when you're going to be out there alone"

"But what about you? I can't just take it"

He smiled amused "It's not my first day homeless I know how to handle myself.

"Thank you"


Today evening was like any other Sunday evening at Ianniello household. Brothers gathered after the dinner at the living room to spend some time together.

After a busy week of being lost in their own affairs. So called "family time" was taking place.

Alessandro, the oldest one, was sitting at the comfortable red chair reading documents from the last board meeting, sipping his whiskey and smoking a cigar. The massive golden signet was shining on his ring finger.

Francesco was sitting on the sofa next to Valentino as he was thoroughly cleaning his AR-15.

Valentino the youngest one just finished watching an intensely brutal horror movie and changed the channel to a boring local News station. He was about to start preparing to leave for the night out with friends. He had to receive a special permission from Alessandro to go out today so he was about to get extra drunk for completing this impossible task. As a form of celebration of course.

Sofia's Secret Mafia BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now