72. Family united

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"Get up and come with me downstairs," Emilio said, his voice sharp and clear, Sofia was slowly getting used to the fact that it was just the way he spoke, he didn't really look like he was mad at her or anything.

Of course, she planned to ignore him but then, he suprised her.

"Fine, I will let Ianniellos know that you don't want to see them," he said in a satisfied voice and was about to leave when Sofia jumped out of bed and ran towards him.

She grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving ignroing his suprised experession and asked. Wait, are you serious? They're here?!" mix of hope, joy, and mistrust in her eyes.

"Yes. They're here, unfortunately" he replied.

She started running downstairs as fast as she could and when she arrived in the hallway she saw them.

She was so glad to see them, so happy.

Alessandro was the first one she needed to hug. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she chanted.

"Are you okay, piccola?" Alessandro asked quietly, and Sofia nodded in response.

Then she was attacked with hugs by Valentino and Francesco.

"I missed you, you idiot" Valentino said hugging her tightly, he was still mad at her about running off just to save him but he was also extremly happy to see her.

"I'm sorry" she felt the need to apologize to everyone, including Francesco who was probably worried sick about her.

"It's okay," he said, stroking her back slowly. "I'm so happy to see you, Fia," he said while hugging her tightly.

"Let's sit down" Emilio invited them to the table, using a formal voice.

"I will get straight to the point - we want Sofia back" Alessandro said the moment they sat down. He wanted to make this clear from the very beginning.

"You know I started this meeting feeling generous and even planned to let her see you once or twice a month on a neutral ground but if you keep speaking nonsense I might change my mind" Rosario responded, he looked bored as he was sending his very real threats. Sofia has never seen someone being so relaxed and having a threatening aura at the same time.

"If you want me to start a war over this I will" Alessandro replied, determined to fulfill his wish.

"Oh, believe me, I would love that" Rosario replied without missing a beat. "I've been waiting to get some new territories for a while. Unfortunately, things got messy and now ending your family would be a problem" he said taking a quick glance at Sofia.

"I'm not leaving this place without my sister," Alessandro said without dignifying Rosario's remarks with a response.

"She's my sister and she's not going anywhere," Rosario said firmly.

"Stop it!" Sofia yelled. "Stop talking like I'm not here and stop acting like children from a kindergarten who both want to take the same toy. I'm not a toy" she said.

Rosario chuckled.

"This is good, oh gosh I would never imagine having my little sister comparing me to a child, you're something," he said wiping a non-existent tear from the corner of his eye.

Sofia wasn't laughing. This was not a joke for her.

"Sofia, this wasn't appropriate" Alessandro scolded and she exactly looked down. Right, her serious brother was still here, and she was sure he didn't appreciate what she just said.


"Don't apologize to him," Rosario said, now his voice was more serious. Two gentlemen were now in a staring contest.

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