44. Nothing To Say

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"Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light"
― Kamand Kojouri

TW// Bullying.

Today Sofia was sitting alone in the classroom. Bruno's absence was excused, he was currently in the middle of participating in the Math Olympiad. He would be back in an hour or so.

While Bruno was gone Cynthia'a group was teasing her more than usual. To make things worse the loneliness triggered rumination over Elio's and her mother's death. Slowly the mourning process resumed after her survival mode was turned off. She wondered if she should bring it up with her next therapy session with Felice.

"I'm a bit thirsty. Sofia how about you go get me some water?" Cynthia said in fake niceness.

Ok, that was enough. Sofia was annoyed. Cynthia has been gradually evolving into a monster.

"Go get it yourself I'm not your maid" she snapped.

"Is this is the way to speak to a person who kindly asks for a favour?" Cynthia asked through gritted teeth.

There was nothing nice about her request. Sofia decided to not dignify her remark with a response.

To her relief, Social Science class started. She was so lost in her own thoughts, she had no idea what Mrs Mancini  is speaking about. She woke up only after the bell ring signalled the end of the lesson.

"Okay class, that will be all for today. See you on Monday" Mrs Mancini said.

The moment she left the classroom an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"You're going with us," said Gabrielle (one of Cynthia's male friends).

"No, I don't think so leave me alone," she said trying to get away.

"Don't make a scene sweetheart" he warned and she found herself forcefully pushed into the bathroom.

She realized she's not alone here. There were actually a lot of people in the bathroom. One of them Cynthia. Behind her, her friends Greta,  Giada, Gabriele and Riccardo. Gabriele grabbed Sofia and held her forcefully in a tight grip while Riccardo was making sure no teacher is coming.

"Let's get something clear. When I tell you to do something you do it. If you don't there are consequences" she said in a menacing voice.

Sofia couldn't even make a sound, she was so struck by what was happening at the moment.

"Cynthia, this is not okay maybe we should stop," Greta said, shaking. She looked scared.

Sofia couldn't believe it. One of Cynthia's friends stood up for her. For a split second, she was hopeful.

"Maybe you should get the fuck out of my sight" Cynthia started sweetly but the last part of the sentence was a pure growl.

Sofia looked up, hopeful but her hope was short-lived. Greta left, and to her despair, Giada was holding a phone in her hands. She was filming.

"Alright, where were we? Oh yes"

Cynthia uncapped the water bottle that appeared out of nowhere in her hands and she poured its contents on Sofia's hair.

While Cynthia was emptying the bottle her friends joined Gabrielle splashed her with orange juice, Bianca poured her granola yoghurt. Soon Sofia was coated with food. It was the most humiliating moment of her life.

"Next time I tell you to do something you better do it quickly," Cynthia said kneeling down in front of Sofia. She patted her dirty cheek in a "friendly" gesture, while Sofia flinched. Gabriele handed Cynthia a handkerchief so she could wipe her hands.

Then, everyone left and Sofia was left alone with her misery.


Ever since Bruno found his friend in a bathroom he kept trying to calm her down and find out what got her in the state of a complete breakdown. Her ruined with food clothes gave him an idea. This was so fucked up.

"Sofia? What the hell did they do to you?"

She didn't answer the question instead she asked: "Can you bring me a PE uniform? I can't go to classes like this"

"Yes, I will"

He brought her clothes and she used the bathroom cabin to change her clothes in record time. She used water from the sink to wipe off the traces of yoghurt from her hair. It was so disgusting.

The class was torture to Bruno because he had no contact with Sofia who seemed to be sitting and listening to what the teacher is saying but Bruno knew her and he knew her eyes had never been blank like that. He was worried

When the class was finally over they went to the cafeteria for a lunch break.

"Sofia you need to tell our homeroom teacher about it. Or your brothers. Frankly, anyone who can do something with it" Bruno asked when they sat at their table. "It went too far"

"No need. I'm fine" she said laconically.


"Give me a break!" Sofia yelled angrily and she instantly felt sorry. She shouldn't pour her anger on her one and only friend.

"Fine. You don't want to tell anyone, I will" Bruno raised his voice as well.

"Bruno, wait," she said scared, she grabbed his hand to stop him from walking. People started paying attention to the scene they were making.

"I am done waiting!" Bruno yelled, he was annoyed. Big mistake. Because someone was carefully watching them and that person wasn't very pleased.

It was Valentino who got from his table with a deadly expression and got close to Bruno.

"Is there a problem?" He asked in a cold polite voice.

"No," Bruno and Sofia said simultaneously.

"I think there is. Why are you raising your voice at my sister?" Valentino asked and took a step forward towards Bruno. Bruno took a step back.

"Wait did he say, sister?" Someone said from the crowd. The new rumour  started to spread. Not now. That's not what Sofia needed right now, at least that's what Sofia thought. "So she has been telling the truth," the other person said.

Sofia looked forward at the table where Cynthia was sitting. This information just hit her and it was visible because a mix of shock and panic was clearly visible in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to," Bruno stuttered. Anyone would in this situation.

"Right, I understand. You didn't mean to. It just happened. You know, I have problems with self-control as well," Valentino said dangerously and if Sofia didn't place herself between them Bruno would be lying flat on the floor right now. "Move" Valentino growled, hand clenched into a fist.

This was a very bad situation.

Author's note:

Sorry for all the drama. ^^''

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