28. Bonding time

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During the evening all siblings ate dinner together and after that, they gathered in the cozy living room. Sofia couldn't get over the fact that she was living in a historic mansion.

She was sitting on the Sofa with Valentino while Francesco and Alessandro had comfy armchairs for themselves.

„How was school?" Francesco asked in a curious voice. "Still want to drop out?" He joked but also sounded worried. He lifted his gaze from the document he was reading to look at her.

"I mean... it was nice," Sofia said not wanting to worry him about anything "I think I will want to stay there for longer. I'm sorry for my behavior in the morning," she said, her gaze cast down.

"Apology accepted Sofia, please don't look so sad," Francesco said in a kind voice "Don't be too harsh for yourself everything must be new and scary for you. We understand that it's not always going to be easy to adjust. Right, Alessandro?"

"I've heard you refused to change on PE, why?" Alessandro said, ignoring his younger brother's words which earned him a death stare.

"I didn't feel well," Sofia said. It was technically true. Mentally, she's not feeling well.

"Why? Are you ill?" Francesco stood up to check her temperature but Sofia pulled away.

"I'm fine" she muttered. "My stomach was hurting a little. But it's all good now"

"Okay, let me know if you're feeling under the weather, okay?"

"Sure" Sofia agreed easily.

Unfortunately, this is when Valentino decided to change the topic: "Sofia is dating already" he said bluntly, in an openly unhappy voice.

He was sprawled on the sofa as if he tried to take the most space it's humanly possible.

"What did you say?" Francesco blinked twice "She has a boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend. We're just friends" Sofia protested loudly giving Valentino a death stare.

"Sofia? Elaborate for me" Alessandro asked with his arms crossed. Shit.

"He's speaking about Bruno. He helped me to find you, remember?"

"She was ready to get into his car without informing you," Valentino said.

"I thought siblings don't tell on each other?!" Sofia yelled, betrayal clear in her voice.

"What are you teaching her?" Francesco hissed at Valentino who shrugged his shoulders with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Really? Where were you planning to go?"

"Aren't you going to scold-" Valentino was stopped from speaking with a single hand gesture which once again proved to Sofia that Alessandro held ultimate authority in this house. The silence at the table only meant that it was Sofia's turn to speak.

"We were planning to go for dinner to Bruno's grandma. She was the one who told me about you so I wanted to thank her for everything,"

„Sofia, for now, I will allow for this friendship but please act responsibly. And for now, refrain from dating"

"Why," Sofia asked with confusion.

"I have not yet been able to determine your maturity level, how responsible you are, and if I can trust you with getting involved with someone in a safe way. This is why for now I don't want to hear about anything more than friendship between you and Bruno. This matter will be revisited in the future"

"I can't believe this" Sofia said with disbelief "Who do you think you are to order me around?!"

Sofia's outburst resulted in Francesco and Valentino looking at her as if she fell from the sky. She yelled at Alessandro. Those are not things people who want to live do.

"I think I'm your older brother and your current guardian" Alessandro responded calmly but there was a hint of steel in his voice.

"Custody lasts only until I'm 18 and then I'm free to do what I want!" Sofia said annoyed.

"Thank you for your response that clears my opinion on your maturity levels. Last time I checked you have over 11 months of doing what I want, Sofia. Do you understand me?"

Did Alessandro just call her immature to her face? With that tears welled down Sofia's eyes, she turned on her heels and started running upstairs. To her despair with this behavior she just proved his point.


A few minutes after she went to her room Francesco came upstairs to check on her.

He knocked and before entering he asked "Can I come in?"

Sofia wanted to be alone but instead, she said "Yes"

"Listen I know talking to Alessandro might be difficult-" he started while sitting on the edge of her bed.

"No, I think I'm being a difficult one. I get mad or defensive for no reason and it sucks" she said, her voice cast down.

"Sofia, you're having a hard time. We understand it" he said in a calming voice. "Do you like that boy? Bruno?"

"I'm... not sure. Maybe? But we're not dating I promise!"

"Okay, I believe you. We're just worried about you. Alessandro too he's just not going to admit it openly"

"But to be honest I don't see how it's any of your business if I date someone or not" Sofia muttered.

"Well let me tell you something even more crazy then. If that boy isn't approved as your friend or boyfriend you won't be allowed to do as much as look at him let alone date. Alessandro decides about everything in this family so don't try to cross him"

Sofia gaped at this admission.

"Are you serious?"

"Our family is very traditional I understand that you will need some time to adjust and understand how things work around here but you can do this and be respectful at the same time or my patience will run thin"

"And what will you he do if I won't do as he says?" Sofia asked angrily because she felt backed into the corner.

"Hard to say. One thing I know about my order brother is that it's difficult to foresee his reaction. It doesn't make sense to wonder what will he do exactly you will see when you get there. But if it cheers you up Alessandro orders me around and I'm much older than you" Francesco shrugged his shoulders.



"Francesco, can I ask you something?"


"Do you know anything about Nadia? I'm just.... I'm worried about her. Even if Paul is in jail police might not succeed at finding her and what if she's forever lost I mean-"

"Sofia, relax. Take a deep breath. Sorry, I should've told you right after you got back from school. Nadia is home"

Sofia blinked twice. What did he just say?

"What do you mean? How?"

"We made sure that Paul will ask his people to return her home. I've spoken to Nadia's parents an hour ago she's shaken but otherwise fine"

"How did you manage to do this? What did you do to make him listen?" Sofia asked. Francesco looked troubled so Sofia continued "Never mind. I don't need to know. Just thank you. Thank you for everything" she wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug. He instantly hugged her back.

"You're welcome sorella. You will learn everything at the right time I promise"

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